Democrats recycle fascism with statue smashers, flag burners and book burners
By R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.
Now the mob is planning to tear down the statue of Theodore Roosevelt, and, may I add, that TR was one of the original Progressives. Take a look in an American history book, if you can find one. Teddy was an original Progressive. The mayor of the fated city of New York, Bill de Blasio has already approved Teddy’s removal. Au revoir, Teddy, you will soon rest in the dustbin of history along with George Washington and so many other old white men of American history. Possibly, in time Mr. de Blasio himself will repose there. After all, he is an aging white male and he has not achieved even as much as Roosevelt to say nothing of Washington.
Obviously with all the statues coming down, and the property being destroyed and the history being trampled, something is afoot in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. America is welcoming in a new regime. It is a Fascist regime, which comes somewhat as a surprise to me. This Fascist regime is being raised up from the left end of the political spectrum.
If you are like me — educated by left-wingers all your life — you were taught to expect Fascism to come from the right. Today on the right there is only silence, irenic silence. All the flag burners, statue smashers and, dare I say it, book burners, are on the left. In fact, Mr. de Blasio is one of them. Though he is careful to wear a suit and tie, when he appears on television he always approves of the mob, and it is only a matter of time before he begins appearing in public wearing a uniform with epaulets and perhaps a sword.
The mayor could call it the Sword of Liberation. He could claim that he used it to liberate the last black slave discovered hunkered down in a basement on Park Avenue. Or perhaps he used it to open up the Metropolitan Club to immigrants or to allow skateboard riders in Central Park. Actually, I believe they already allow skateboard riders in the park. He will have to claim some other act of heroism for the Sword of Liberation. How about if he chopped the head off the Statue of Liberty?
At any rate, it is only a matter of time before Mr. de Blasio dons a military uniform, complete with riding boots and medals and a sash across his ample girth. Why not confer with a book on Benito Mussolini for ideas on how the sash might be worn? Mussolini always wore stylish uniforms in Italy plus a sash, at least until the citizenry had had enough of the old boy and they strung him up by his ankles in Giulino di Mezzegra and filled him with lead.
They have no idea whatsoever about anything to do with history. They are uneducated fools who just follow the pack and allow themselves to be good little puppets for their puppeteer.