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Thursday, June 25, 2020

Top Biden VP Pick Exposed For Poor Record As Police Chief

Val Demings, a rising star in the radical Democrat party and a member of the House Impeachment panel, is being called on the carpet by a left-wing outlet in Orlando for her record as Orlando Police Chief. Biden’s consideration of Demings has angered the Black Lives Matter mob, as we reported on last week.

Amid all of the calls for police reform, which President Donald Trump has swiftly acted on, we are confronted with the rabid mob of anti-cop BLM and Antifa activists who want nothing more than an anarcho-communist society. Val Demings, a former law enforcement officer herself, has refused to acknowledge the destruction of American culture and loss of precious human life at the hands of these brutish thugs.

Demings has even accused the violence from Antifa and BLM on acts done by undercover white supremacists.


  1. Love Val Demings. She's an excellent pick. Smart, intelligent and articulate. No one is going to have a perfect history or please everyone. Given Trump's history, she looks like a saint.

    1. Explain because I disagree. Change my mind and I’m a person of color so respectful please

  2. Demings won't make the grade. She's got a blue smoothie waiting for breakfast every morning.

  3. Hire a Dog Catcher !!! LOL

  4. He can’t win if he picked every black woman that would be willing. Who the hell has ever heard of being black or female makes the cut for POTUS. That is plain ludicrousness. I know a nice black lady that works at the Food Lion. I’ll mention it to her, see if she wants to contact Sleepy Slow. He would be delighted that she is black, plus female.


  5. A little rough math. About 1/2 of Americans are female; about 13% are black. So black females are around 6 1/2% of population.

    In his panicked quest to pander earlier in the primary season when he lagged badly, SlowJoe spouted he'd be picking a female VP candidate. In one swoop he dismissed all the males of varying accomplishments on the candidate stage, and in various other offices throughout the country. Pretty stupid, if you plan to win and do an effective job for the citizens. Put the best team on the field, etc.

    More recently the rumble is that he plans to make his choice from an even smaller subset of minority females of some sort. Virtually nobody expects that if he got elected he'd be able to finish his term due to his galloping dementia. So his strategy is to identify a female with modest accomplishments, if any, and a pretty clean record to take over as President after the gong sounds and he gets the hook.

    We've come to expect much less than genius level thinking from Biden, and it's the one deliverable he's routinely provided across his 44 years at the public trough. But consciously looking for a less talented, less experienced, less seasoned VP prospect kind of tops his previous gaffes. But that's why he's the Gaffemaster! He's a donkey to the core.

  6. You would think that any Black woman would be offended to know that the only reason they were picked is because they were black and a female. Talk about token policies and agendas for black votes. A "REAL WOMAN" would not even consider that.

  7. I just solved Joe’s problem. Candice Owens is a black woman.

  8. Joey,its time for some warm milk and cookies

    and to go nighty night

  9. It won’t be her. She is tied to law enforcement.


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