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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Tom Fitton: Radical Left Is Using Mail-in-Voting to Steal Our Election – DOJ and Republicans DO NOTHING (VIDEO)

Judicial Watch founder and President Tom Fitton joined Lou Dobbs on Friday to discuss the Democrat Party’s plan to steal the 2020 election by voter fraud.

Democrats are hoping to use the coronavirus pandemic to push mail-in voting across the country and in several swing states.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tried to sneak in federally mandated ballot harvesting in the Coronavirus bill.

Barack and Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton are pushing for mail voting in November.


1 comment:

  1. Tom Fitton: Radical Left Is Using Mail-in-Voting to Steal Our Election – DOJ and Republicans DO NOTHING (VIDEO)

    "Republicans DO NOTHING"

    Of course they aren't doing anything. Bunch of White Cowards!! That's why our Confederate Statues and statues of Washington and Columbus are tumbling.


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