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Monday, June 15, 2020

This is exactly what we all need to hear right now!


  1. Why would anyone think otherwise? The foolishness of being led by emotion is mind boggling. Worse is the number of people taken to that place by the manipulators and race baiters who are becoming more prevalent by the day.

  2. Weak minds are easily redirected

  3. 3:53: Then how do you suppose to fix this???? How could all of this be fixed??? I never see or hear any of you clowns offer solutions to problems, just bitching and complaining and bout what others do that, in most cases you are part of letting do!!! When a system meant to help you and protect you, has now become a weapon against you, and all involved have a vested interest working together, and when you have people with no morals, or ethics or anything go out willfully, happily gladly, trying to ruin peoples lives, even to the point of planting evidence to do so, and people don't have a right to be mad or upset? To the fact, the cops can keep doing it and getting away with it under immunity??? Where it exists but it tool the media and everything else for even you closed minded people to see there is even a problem... When you can't fire them, get laws changed to help stop it or fix it, when you pay them with your own money in the form of taxes taken from you with a threat of violence and or jail and with everyone corrupt, how do you suppose to fix all of that??? Since people have tried and failed for years??? Did you know, it has been 40+ years since any cop has been convicted of any major crime while on duty?? What does that tell you???

  4. no clown #917 - tell us how to fix this since your arms are flying all over the place.


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