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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

This Guy Wants To Be President, You Better Watch This!


  1. This idiot is supposed to stand up to Putin or Xi?

  2. poor joe - he's doomed

  3. He’s going to look so bad on a stage trying to match wits with President Trump!! I actually feel sorry for him and am so disappointed in his wife for not trying to discourage him from this....If I were a part of his family I would be so embarrassed!! President Trump is going to leave Biden in a puddle of pee in front of America....IF the DNC even allows him to continue. Keep you eye on Warren/Harris......

    1. Wife only cares about being First Lady if he miraculously got back to our house. Greed....

  4. Does anybody else smell toast burning?

  5. WOW! He cannot put one complete sentence together. Trump will crush this guy during the debates. It will be ugly.

  6. Hey bo Jiden here, dont beleive uhhh errr everything you hear or uhhh read. Yeah reade, hmmm uhhh Tara uhh no. Vote for me uhhh sexual predator uhh no hey Damon man it was uhhh just kids in uhh the pool

  7. When is the DNC going to end this they know he is not a candidate, he is hardly a talking human being anymore he can't put a sentence together? The DNC needs to address this now and not drag it out, it is ludicrous to have him make the rounds and be in front of any camera, the media should be screaming about this but instead they hide and remain deaf. All in charge should be ashamed of themselves all he is doing is making a clear choice to Trump. And even worse what do our allies think they have never witnessed before anything like this it makes this country look bad, it makes us as Americans look like fools. How his family can allow this they certainly have no respect for him if his son Beau was alive this would have never gotten this far.

  8. Only a month ago. Delmarvas news leader my ass.

  9. Concern yourselves with who is planned to step in as he bow's out at the last minute. He's purposely playing mental illness to lesson the prison term he'll get for Ukraine money laundering and others.

  10. the DNC will have everything fixed for him for the bebates and he will still screw it up.

  11. The dumbocrats being controlled by the commie MSM will try and keep the corona B.S. going long enough to claim it's too dangerous to have a debate. Mark my words.

    If they ever do have a debate, Biden will have to be led to the podium by his handlers. He will probably forget why he's there. So sad that they are doing this to the old guy.

  12. Blm supports him and that is the strongest political party in the world. So yup he will win and cops are gone. Congrats cops haters

  13. Was there an answer in that word salad some where?????

  14. Pathetic! This guy is being thrown to the wolves, and the head wolf is Donald J. Trump! I still think he will be replaced, but after Cuomo killed thousands of Seniors, I can only guess. I know he's a Republican, but I could see the hypocrite Romney stepping in as the new Dem. He's a globalist and that is what the swamp wants. Warren and Bernie have no chance, so forget them. Michael Obama could beat Trump with the present climate. Watch for him too.

  15. I'm really getting tired of hearing his voice and seeing his face, which seems a touch more cadaverous every day.

  16. It doesen't matter. Their gonna push Joe across thf finish line, and WE need to get involved and get the the Senate and House majority, or wr're screwed period, the end!

  17. Is this a real video ? If it is bye-done needs medical help and has no business running for POTUS...

  18. His brain is fried.

  19. A cell with a VIEW it whats he deserves. The quintessential crooked politician

  20. Hillary and Bark have left the DNC is such bad shape, I don't know how they will ever recover. Is it possible that Hunter gave Joe a crack pipe to keep in the basement with him?

  21. If he is elected it will be only weeks before the 25th Amendment is used to remove him from office. For this reason the DNC’s choice of a VP is actually who who wil be the President.

  22. If you vote for Biden you’re an idiot and you should seek psychiatric help ASAP!

  23. On a Racist show with his buddies !!!!

  24. WTF did he say????

    Even the women on the show (his strident supporters!) were looking at him like he had three arms.

    Trump will eat him alive in front of millions of TV viewers, and if any of those viewers think this guy can lead our nation, they are just as brain dead as he is....

    There will be only ONE debate, if any. And, I seriously believe that another person will end up as the dead-o-rats candidate. I can't believe they think THIS guy is their star player and BEST person they could find.

    I feel sorry for him, knowing how he's going to get turned into hamburger on national TV.
    Not THAT sorry, though.

    Trump is going to win in a LANDSLIDE and there is nothing they can do in the next 4 1/2 months to stop it.
    I still recommend buying guns and lots of ammo. They won't let it go easy.

  25. Northwest Woodsman: The look on the faces of those Marxist liberal demon hags was priceless.

  26. When the teeth on the sprockets wear away, pedaling faster doesn't help.


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