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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Third of parents may not send kids back to school as COVID uncertainty grows

'Some families simply don’t have a choice because they need to go to work'

(STUDY FINDS) -- ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Summer vacation is in full-swing for students across the country. For their parents, the coronavirus pandemic already has them worried about what school will be like this fall. A study of nearly 1,200 parents finds a third of those polled aren’t sure they’ll let their children go back to class during the next school year.

Parents are also split on what measures schools should use to prevent another outbreak of COVID-19.



  1. The government has enslaved the population with its social programs like child mind control (aka School) and food stamps.

  2. Something that really hasn't been reported yet we are less than 60 days away from many schools supposedly starting.

  3. Great, More stupidity, just what we need now!

  4. Many doctors and other infectious disease professionals have came out and said, "If you send your children to school, they will become sick with the virus or worse, the Kawasaki strain".
    What loving parent would even consider sending their child out with that warning?

    1. 10:51
      Only an educated parent would disregard that sloppy mind control BS. Those of us who understand what is happening here has nothing to do with a virus.

      It is a Psyop on the global population by intelligence. The currencies are all crashing and they want to do a financial reset.

  5. Not sending our children back to public indoctrination centers will be a HUGE benefit! Now....about those Tax dollars that we're FORCED to pay regardless of how BAD the results are ...when will WE THE PEOPLE be getting our refunds?

  6. The children are more likely to be struck by lightening than to die of the virus.

  7. https://fee.org/articles/world-leading-infectious-disease-expert-government-lockdowns-must-end/

  8. American academy of pediatrics is recommending that children go to school.

  9. I don’t really think it’s about the kids getting the virus. The real issue would be the kids being carriers of the virus, being asystematic and bringing the virus back home to people with underlying health conditions.


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