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Wednesday, June 03, 2020



  1. Because he’s had the complete and unflagging support of McConnell, Graham, Cruz, Gowdy, Nunes, Collins and so many other long serving Senators.

    1. At 6:24 a.m.You are a prime example, utter proof that liberalism is a mental disorder.

    2. TRUMP 2020
      Best President Ever!!!!

    3. That makes no sense. You said he had SUPPORT of Senators. That doesn’t have anything to do with HIM being in the government such a long time.

  2. how about a guy who made his money in the private sector before becoming a politician vs those demonicrats who made themselves millionaires off their political offices? whether republican or demoonicrat should all be taken out back and dealt with severely for enriching themselves off the public!

  3. This is nuts that they most don’t pull a term or two and let others with fresh ideas come and go. Was this suppose to be a career? Salary may not be the greatest but the benefits are awesome. Most seem to acquire a strong wealth in short order. You wouldn’t think they are corrupt.

  4. Because he’s the President?

  5. He’s gotten more done in 3 years than bush/ Obama did in 16... they can’t handle that a non politician can do a better job.. before the China virus and the riots we were kicking ass!! They are not for America.. they are socialists/ communists.. promise you everything except your freedom!, Joe Biden is a joke.. crooked politician paid off by China/ Ukraine. Oh and his son is dirty to...

  6. 6:24 AM...Huh? So you admit long term Democratic politicians are a problem.

  7. 8:27 they are mentioning Republicans Einstein.

  8. It illustrates how in just 36 months you all have been brainwashed by a facist who is using the military on his own people

    1. Looters who threaten the safety of other americans are not his own people. Just ask them and they will say trump is not their president. Now go hang yourself commie

  9. I have an actual answer.

    Because our political system is broken and so many Americans are too stupid or oblivious to see it. That they keep returning grandstanding clowns like Biden or Schumer back to Washington is proof of it.

    Trump is the first one that threatens to expose them and ruin the reign of the banker, pharma, military, media oligarchies and their puppets these corrupt career politicians. They will leave no brick unthrown in their quest to bring him down.

  10. meanwhile, all the bad things that happened during Obama's administration were not his fault because he just got there.

  11. Cool, now do McConnell, Graham, Romney, et al.

  12. @ June 3, 2020 at 6:53 AM

    What, you didn't like the fact that a list of long serving Conservatives were listed? And that said list invalidates the premise here? You know, a solid argument could be made that willful ignorance and the embrace of cognitive dissonance shows mental disorder....

    1. He’ll no. I have no problem with it being republicans on that list. Our government is corrupt. What I don’t like is people like you and the media always pointing to one side and not the other. Because it is both sides. But you won’t admit that. You’d rather bash one side and give the other side a free pass. Mental disorder..being blind to the truth.

  13. @ June 3, 2020 at 9:06 AM

    On Americans. Peacefully Protesting... one of our Constitutionally protected rights. All because he was upset he got called out for hiding, and wanted to take advantage of this tragedy with a photo op.... by the way, the leaders of the Church he did this at also condemned his crass heartless actions.

    How people aren't calling for his immediate resignation is insane.

    1. 12:34 Just what I was talking about. You call out one side and not the other. I’m assuming you crawled inside his head and you know for sure he did it for a photo op. Geez you’re delusional and part of the virus that’s killing this country. Question. If he gets re elected will you be able to stand it or will you be like Hollywood and throw a tantrum? Get off you’re high horse and try being part of the solution not part of the problem.

  14. Whoops...sorry Joe about the Caps.

    Term Limits for CONgress!

  15. >>>You know, a solid argument could be made that willful ignorance and the embrace of cognitive dissonance shows mental disorder....<<<

    Spoken from personal experience, no doubt...

  16. @ June 3, 2020 at 3:13 PM

    LOL! Did you actually just say "I know you are, but what am I?"

    That's great!

    Why don't you try again, and actually address the point made, that a long list of long serving Conservatives was listed that negates the narrative here, and to deny it would mean one is being willfully ignorant, and embracing cognitive dissonance in such a way that it would show mental disorder.

    Substance and solid arguments matter. Try it sometime.


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