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Tuesday, June 09, 2020

The Final Nail In Dr. Fauci’s Coffin

(Breitbart) – Mea culpa: I spent a lot of time on these here digital pages defending Dr. Anthony Fauci. Brother, was I wrong. Fauci is a stone-cold liar. And if he’s not a stone-cold liar, his only defense is that he is a fraud. Either way, shame on him … and me.

For months Fauci has been everywhere, all over TV, urging Americans to lock themselves down, to abandon their jobs, their sick and dying family members, the small businesses they spent their lives getting off the ground; he urged us to drive our economy into the dirt, pull children who desperately need structure out of school, forgo once-in-a-lifetime graduations and graduation parties, cancel weddings and vacations…

Fauci’s message was clear, militant, terrifying, and relentless: If you don’t do these things, if you don’t sacrifice these things, if you don’t give up your liberty and prosperity, you are no better than a serial killer. The coronavirus is a unique and deadly killer, a particularly infectious and fatal disease unlike anything we’ve seen in more than a century.



  1. I always said he was a Socialist Democrat plant to swing the elections. I was called crazy and other names. I was just observing his facts and confusing statements. Thought he was Biden's partner in crime with his contradictory statements.

  2. POS LIAR and someone that you wouldnt take a shot from

  3. I've watched 20 doctors on TV who said if anyone listens to that FOOL. You will be in trouble.

  4. Remember back to the Aids crisis...Fauci claimed credit for discovering the exact virus, even though doctors in France announced their discovery of the same thing that same morning. Fauci demanded credit, demanded the top infectious disease position at NIH, demanded a new state of the art lab to continue his research. Haven't trusted him since then. He's a glory whore.

  5. Yes, Fauci lies and Trump tells the truth. Not.

    1. Please give examples or STFU ALREADY.

  6. allot of my comments were not so well received either. I am instantly skeptical of any crisis such as this. I first assume it was most likely manufactured, funded, staged or turned a blind eye by the deep state. I still feel the democrats and the Chinese are or were in collusion to thwart trump's election. Remember who these scum really worship. Massive deaths are a sacrafice to their luciferian master.
    Never trusted him from day one...This clown is just another lost doomed puppet, Just another hidden danger of the rainbow..so i expect most of you will go back to sleep heads in the sand.


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