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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The extra $600 unemployment benefits will end before July 31

For the tens of million of Americans receiving unemployment benefits, the extra $600 boost will run out sooner than expected.

The $600 weekly payments from the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation program were put in place as part of the $2.2 trillion CARES Act Congress passed in late March amid the coronavirus pandemic. Americans who are eligible for unemployment insurance receive an extra $600 on top of what they normally claim under their state's benefits. Yet this boost is scheduled to end "on or before July 31, 2020."

July 31 falls on a Friday this year, which is a problem because states typically pay out unemployment benefits on a weekly cycle that ends on Saturday or Sunday. And because of the wording of the CARES Act, that means states will end the $600 extra payments on July 25 or 26, rather than on the very last day of the month, depending on how the state's weekly calendar is set up.

"If the benefit week ends after the July 31 cutoff, then the $600 can't apply to that week, and most benefit weeks end on Saturday or Sunday," according to Michele Evermore, senior policy analyst for the National Employment Law Project. Evermore adds that she hasn't been able to confirm any state that ends their weekly benefits cycle on a Friday.



  1. I don’t know why this would come as a surprise to anyone. I am receiving the additional $600 unemployment benefit, and the state made it clear from the start that this would end on July 25th.

    1. No no 851. If you listen to this crowd, folks like you are never going back to work because of this "handout" lol too funny. They dont think so well here

  2. Where is the federal hazard pay for all of us who have continued to work thru this pandemic?

    1. Policy is being written. Hold tight, it will be ready in about 8 years or sooooooooooooo..

      (snicker snicker)

  3. These people had jobs. Working people always get screwed. Take the $600 from the freebies given to the parasite/leach class that likely never worked in their lives.

  4. 10:01 In addition to your overtime, or the fact you had a job to begin with? Every liberial with their handout hasn't thought about the fact all these freebees will someday have to be repaid. God help your kids much less your grandkids. Surely you probably have both.

  5. 10:01 pm. You can thank the Democrats for ignoring you. Nancy Pelosi added the additional $600 a WEEK unemployment benefits so it would hurt the economy and Trump. Please remember in November who didn't give you or your colleagues any credit for being so brave. Vote Trump or it will get worse. America - God Bless๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

  6. I guess I won't see as many cartloads of the best meats and everything else filled to the brim at the grocery store and Sams Club after July 25. It definitely has been a different experience watching people shopping like there is no tomorrow. Was at Sams Club recently and people were coming out of there with more groceries than I would ever use in six months. Guess they will miss that extra $600.00 coming in and they may actually consider going back to work now.

  7. Let us go back to work. Then we won’t need freebies

  8. States try to KEEP ALL they Can from us ALL !!! So look Out Maryland !

    Govt Better confirm More Stimulus @ $600.00 per week until END of
    2020 or ELSE there WILL be hell to pay from Votors 2020 !!! FACT !!!

    Take that Congress & get YOUR ASSES Back to Work & NO MORE
    Recesses until you Vote in the NEW Stimulus Package BEFORE the
    Present one Runs OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I’ll miss that extra $600 but I can get by on regular unemployment. I’ve still got 25 more weeks of that coming.

    1. And after your unemployment runs out and you have to go back to work you won't get your fat ass through the door because you've been sitting on it for the last six months

  10. Govt needs to now double it to $1200 ea week on top of Unemployment

    until 2021 !!!! FACT Any less is NOT acceptable !!!

  11. So 3:22PM....why don't you consider either going back to work or find a new job? If you are able to work,
    wouldn't that be better than living off the government!

  12. 4:34 Have you lost your free loading mind! Get off your ass and get a job! Those of us getting up every morning and working are sick of people like you!

  13. So the people that had to work because they were considered essential get nothing extra,and the buisness owners can't get Jack, even though they barely survived. Take the extra 600 and give it to the ones who really deserve it.


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