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Thursday, June 11, 2020

The 22 states where COVID-19 is on RISE: Worrying new figures show uptick in infections across mainly southern states

Twenty two states are seeing an increase in new COVID-19 cases as states continue to slowly reopen and George Floyd protests are held across the country - as a top forecast model increased the predicted death toll in the United States to 145,000 fatalities by August.

Arizona has seen infections increase by more than 90 percent in a week, while Arkansas and Utah have gone up more than 60 percent. Massachusetts, Florida and New Mexico's cases have increased by more than 40 percent compared to the week prior.

Michigan's cases soared more than 150 percent last week due to the state including nearly 5,000 probable infections.

The increases comes after all 50 states at least partially lifted coronavirus lockdown measures last month



  1. Based on population it’s a pinch of salt in an Olympic pool. Media caused Russia, climate change, kavanah, stormy Daniels, Ukraine, lockdowns and currently attempting a race war.

    1. Maybe we should start doxing left wing journalist and harrass them until they find a new profession

    2. 9:07 ✔️✔️✔️✔️

  2. Everyone is saying its OK, not a problem, doesn't exist, move forward, all ok, it was a hoax.

    6 months into the new year - roughly 150+ days. Reported numbers of over 44 MILLION filed for unemployment the last 12 weeks.

    Nothing is over folks.

    Lets just all be smart, get the JOBS up and running, focus getting adjusted to the new normal and be safe.

    Hope that in the next 150 days we aren't saying WHAAAAAAAAAA HAPPENED - nor wondering WHY there aren't enough Turkey's for Thx-giving?

    We will be rejoicing with Keeping America Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. This isn't over by a long shot.

  4. Instead of believing that masks are in infringement of your personal rights , could you at least consider that it is a sign of respect for others. The "others" are people, fellow Americans, who also want the economy to re-open and to avoid a second wave!

    Could you at least give this thought a try?

    1. So what about those of us who have already had the Wuhan flu and are now immune, have antibodies and can't get it or carry it to others? Why would I have to wear a stupid mask?

  5. Just more BS and propaganda , if this true then George Floyd caused thousands of deaths , let's protest.

  6. Cases don't mean a thing due to increased testing. Why won't they post the hospitalization numbers instead. The sky is not falling. I have tried to get Asian flu statistics for 2020 with no luck, imagine that.

  7. Do to Jerome surviving better in hot weather?

  8. Looking at state numbers do not tell the full story. You have to look at individual zip codes and racial and age data. All this suggests strongly that the virus was and is rapidly spreading during protests. I said elsewhere the protesters may as well being wearing the mask on their a$$es. Masks do not and will not help at protest situations. The protesters bodies, clothing etc are infested with virus particles and you can bet not one anywhere in the whole US had the forethought to at the minimum Lysol themselves before getting in their cars, going into their homes.

  9. "The increases comes after all 50 states at least partially lifted coronavirus lockdown measures last month"

    Very little mention in the article about the increase in testing that has happened in the last month. Only a couple of sentences about increased testing including a mention that Florida believes its increase in cases is due to an increase in testing. Also a mention that over half a million people were tested in one day last week. A true report would have broken down the numbers and percentages of testing increases weekly to provide an accurate picture of what is happening.

    Just more crappy news reporting.

  10. At this fake rate, eventually every person on this planet will have or had the virus so there is no need to keep trying to bullshit people... But I will admit, at least the govt tried to get what they want unlike you people who just bitch and complain about illegal orders and suggestive rules, or bitch about politicians and everything else you can fix but won't...

  11. NO one is being tested, no one is allowed out remember!!! Things are still closed remember!!!! At this point you need to just stop posting this crap...

  12. " Anonymous said...
    Instead of believing that masks are in infringement of your personal rights , could you at least consider that it is a sign of respect for others. The "others" are people, fellow Americans, who also want the economy to re-open and to avoid a second wave!

    Could you at least give this thought a try?

    June 11, 2020 at 8:42 AM"

    No I will not ever give that asinine "thought a try." This because that thought is all that is wrong in this country. It is a primitive way to think. Primitive primal and the uncivilized want everyone to take care of them instead of being responsible for themselves.

  13. 8:52AM—-You make a great point. You are not alone in trying to obtain the numbers on other strains of flu. In addition, the virus will be around forever. What is important as you have alluded to, is the number that are hospitalized and the mortality rate, which percentage wise is falling tremendously. As testing increases we will learn that many, many more recover than succumb to the virus. Practice good hygiene, use common sense and get on with all aspects of life in our great Country!

    1. Look at year year to date numbers on influenza. Two weeks ago I compared the previous two years and we have half the numbers this year. Just sayin

  14. Data released at the beginning of May had shown infection rates were 5 times higher in minority neighborhoods. If you look at the racial breakdown of positive cases which all states break down in the past week the rate of infection of blacks has gone sky high and this is across the board with all the states. So protesting has without any doubts been a major spreader of coronavirus.

  15. 8:52 I haven't seen a state yet that doesn't post the number of hospitalizations.

  16. Wow 9:08 I can't imagine thinking that way. Perhaps when surgeons perform surgery they shouldn't sterilize their hands or tools because 'the uncivilized want everyone to take care of them instead of being responsible for themselves'.

  17. The generation who can't even wear a mask outside without thinking it violates their rights berates a generation that willingly gets tear gassed for human rights. Let that sink in

    1. Who got tear gassed. That has been debunked and you need to read the constitution fool

  18. All from the mouths still breathing, asymptomatic, and/or not directly affected by.

  19. The correct sound/vibration will cure those who are exposed to it.

  20. J" Anonymous said...
    Wow 9:08 I can't imagine thinking that way. Perhaps when surgeons perform surgery they shouldn't sterilize their hands or tools because 'the uncivilized want everyone to take care of them instead of being responsible for themselves'.

    June 11, 2020 at 9:46 AM"

    I would like to say your stupidity is astounding but it's not. You people never fail to amaze with your stupidity. That is the surgeon's job. It is their responsibility that comes with the job. It is part of what they are paid for. To make sure the surgery is done in the safest manner possible It is not our responsibility to look out for others. Just ask the blacks who every time a crime happens in their neighborhoods involving black on black they always say they didn't see nothing!

  21. Seriously? How many of these upticks can be attributed to the fact that they're actually able to test more people and are just now getting test results back from tests done weeks ago? Seems like more cases showing up would start to decrease the death rate per positive tests...


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