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Friday, June 26, 2020

Strzok Notes Reveal Biden Knew About Flynn Probe Despite His Denials

Former Vice President and now 2020 Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden claimed months ago that he knew “nothing” about moves to investigate former Trump National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Michael Flynn, but newly-released documents proved otherwise.

Biden, appearing in May on ABC News’ This Week, was asked by news anchor and host George Stephanopoulos what he knew about moves to investigate Flynn while he was vice president.



  1. Yet still....NOTHING will happen. A slap on the wrist will be called "accountability" then we'll move on to the "Bombshell" report. Just remember WASHINGTON...we're keeping score!

  2. Biden has no idea what he's saying. He's the disposable candidate, a placeholder.

    1. or it's an Act for Biden to Avoid Prison time

  3. If Biden's mouth is moving, he is lying, just exactly like all the Dems. They do not wish or know how to tell the truth, ever.

  4. Biden, like most politicians, talks out of both sides of his mouth. Problem for Biden is he does not do it well and looks more the hypocrite. I am of the opinion the polls are somehow rigged for a false sense of hope. I just can't imagine rational people voting for this clown.


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