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Monday, June 01, 2020

St. Patrick's Cathedral desecrated with protest graffiti

Is nothing sacred?

Protesters desecrated St. Patrick’s Cathedral with graffiti Saturday, staining stairs and spewing hatred on two walls.

The graffiti on one wall on Fifth Avenue and 51st Street read “F–k F–k” in red letters. On an adjacent wall, vandals scrawled “BLM” — for Black Lives Matter — along with “NYPDK” in red letters and “No justice no peace” in black letters.

One of the stairs was spray-painted with “George Floyd” in black letters.

A Post reporter spotted the vandalism at around 6:30 p.m. Police at the scene declined immediate comment.

The sacrilegious scrawl was more than likely etched while protesters marched down Fifth Avenue past the Cathedral earlier Saturday.



  1. To answer the question, no, nothing is sacred for far too many.

  2. Time to put down the Thugs.

    1. ✔️✔️✔️ Trump just has to say the Word.

  3. Wishful thinking is strong in this one @12:57 PM.

  4. This is terrible. Following the news as shocking as it is I have tried to see if there were any thing good that could be said. A silver lining if you will. The only thing I think of is that these riots will end the lockdowns once and for all and allow the decent among us to go about our lives in peace.

    At least I hope that's what happens and that these thugs are arrested, charged, and jailed for their crimes.

  5. Sorry, nothing is sacred in the 21st Century. It began with the advent of the internet!

  6. All these radical thieves and punks are not protesting anything they are just hormones gone wild, drunk and dope heads, This death of an innocent man is being used just as an excuse to tear up everything they can get their hands on and loot merchandise they can't afford. I hope their parents are proud because they should know where their brain dead teenagers are, but maybe they are just glad to get rid of them every night I know I would be if they were mine. The National Guard, State Police and every agency should be shooting them on sight if you loot you loose.

  7. Done by paid ANTIFA white kids guaranteed.

  8. Where is the Comments from all these religious Politians? This shows you how religious they really are.

    The Socialist Democrats were wishing for something like this so they have another excuse for not going to DC and do their job. These ANTIFA ANARCHIST are their buddies.


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