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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Smitty McGee's closed due to not enough employees


  1. I thought they were shut down by the health department? Did they fix the issues or was it another place over that way that was shut down?

  2. Well...that's a problem too

  3. did any of the season workers for anyplace in oc actually come? or did the virus keep them away

  4. Without cheap foreign labour - they can't open!
    How about paying a decent wage and you will attract the locals that are unemployed. Cut your profit a little and increase your prices a little...

    It's a vacation destination - most have money to go - if they don't - they shouldn't!

  5. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, employees.

  6. I got a fish taco at Smitty Mcgee's a few years ago. It was a fish stick with lettuce on a soft taco wrap. Haven't been back since...

  7. 8:36a...been to smittys plenty of times especially for their wings. I don’t think they rely on foreign labor as much as the places down on coastal Hwy do. I think you’re seeing the effects of government handouts...no one wants to have to work for their $$$.

  8. Govt money will eventually stop, by then the summer will be over and off-season begins. Timing of all of this has been awful, yet we will figure it out somehow.

    Just don't know when...or if.

  9. Smitty's great for football Sat/Sun during offseason.

  10. I applied several times in 3 months and never got a call back. They want JI visas to save money. Sick

  11. Pelosi put that into the bill - an additional 600.00. vote Trump

  12. Lack of J1 Visa workers (mostly Eastern Europeans and Asians) in Ocean City will do more to harm OC recovery this summer than anything else --- this includes state and municipal restriction/code enforcement.

    All the restaurants saying they want to open at 100% capacity, but the truth is most of them wouldn't have the labor to do it any way.

  13. At reduced capacity, tips suck by half.

  14. This is what you get when the government pays more to not work than to have a job.

  15. Workers have health concerns also. Place dollars before lives and you get a predictable outcome.

  16. This will not be the last causality of COVID summer

  17. No one should work at or patronize any business that requires employees to breathe in CO2 all day

  18. 1054 and others....Rickie and Co never had a backup plan if no J1's could make the trip over. They always thought normal would be normal and not hurt anything.

    They have found out time and time and time again, no backup plan sets you back as well as cost you money. Amazing the continued tiny=time mindset at City Fail.

    There is zero excuse why without the J1's this City could continue. The old worn out rationale that no youngin's will work during the summer. Well OC you decided that years ago by going with J1's for your profit.

    Rickie - this on your watch.. Youngin's on the board - best be learning and learning to make change!

  19. They are over priced and the blonde owner is over tude!

  20. If you look at the local papers,you will see Smitty's seems to have a help wanted ad every single week year-round. I've heard mgmt there is awful to work for. Hard to get or keep anyone that way.

  21. Better raise their pay to $600 week then !!! LOL


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