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Saturday, June 06, 2020

Sharptown Firemen's Carnival Canceled


  1. We understand why this has to be done,but protests are OK'd in every city and town (as long as they are peaceful)but a moderate crowd can't go to a carnival?

  2. Those oyster fritter sammich lines are few of which I am willing to stand in. With social distancing though the line would go to Delmar.

  3. That's great. Oyster sales lost to waterman. When is this shit going to end?

  4. And now they are going to be begging for more money from Bob Culver and the county. Don't forget that the county doesn't have money either. Damn freeloaders.

    1. 1:20
      If their funds are low they will need money from the County Government. Mr Culver is an elected official. He will not be obligated to give his own money. They will use Government money.

      Boy you might need to review a Civics course with a teenager.

  5. The protestors would ruin it like they are everything else

  6. can always go as a peaceful riot they allow for as many people tha can show up

  7. It would be sweet if one of the local organizations that sells fritters at fairs could set up on a big, empty parking lot in Salisbury. Wink, wink.

  8. Hey, just tell BLM to have a RIOT there. Whew, that was easy. Problem solved! My work is done here.

  9. Meanwhile 1000s in DC zero social distancing. Hospitals are not over run yet.

  10. 1:20 You can rest easy, They have enough money set aside to make it until next years carnival. Since your calling them freeloaders just what have you done for your community?


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