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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Sgt. Rob Pride on Rayshard Brooks shooting: Atlanta officer appears justified in using force

After looking at the video of the attempted arrest of Rayshard Brooks in Georgia, Colorado Police Sgt. Rob Pride told “Fox & Friends” on Monday the use of force appears to have been justified.

“I don't see how this would not meet a deadly force encounter by most agency standards," said Pride, who serves in the Loveland, Colo., Police Department.

Pride, who is also the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) National Trustees chair, weighed in on the police-involved shooting death of Brooks outside a Wendy’s fast-food restaurant in Atlanta, which led to protests and destruction over the weekend. The incident was captured on video.

Pride said he watched the video “several times” and has spoken with officers from around the country, including experts on "use of force" by officers.

“With the current training that we have, and I can say for across the country, most agencies, this would be a deadly force encounter because of the incapacitating capabilities of the Taser," he said.



  1. He was shot in the back while running away. Y'all can watch that video as many times as you want, those facts will never change. He was shot in the back while running away. If that's a justifiable homicide to you, that's on you.

    1. What you did not see was as he was running away he turned and pointed a weapon at the officers. You would probably let him shoot you with the weapon, right? Read the full story and not make judgement on only a part of the encounter on the video!

  2. The likes of Brooks who defy authority over something stupid like public intoxication is ridiculous. The same would have happened to a white person under exact circumstances.

  3. WHERE is the UNION ?

  4. Appears?? Damn right he was justified. The stupid police chief just made him a rich man.

  5. Lack of force in OC is unacceptable!

    If there isn't enough room in the jail - utilize the convention center. Nothing happening there right now, just wasting away!

  6. after seeing the footage and hearing the 911 call, i would have done the same thing, He was very well justified in his actions. He was drunk, passed out in a area that intruded on others to enter. He fought with the police, he just so happened to take his taser, was he trying for his gun? He not only ran but turned that taser on the cops. He was a threat to the lives of not only those cops but of anyone that was in the area. The cop had a right to defend himself just as anybody else does. Wish i could be on his jury!

  7. How about when the guy asked the cop politely "can I just walk home? Maybe that would have been a good time for the cops to de-escalate the situation? The car was safely parked. Would a white guy have been allowed to walk home? Maybe he'd even been given a ride home by the cops. It's all shoulda coulda woulda now but in the end, the guy ended up shot in the back while running away. Not a good thing.

    1. I really don't know what special powers other races think the white race has. Ummmm if a white person asked the same question, they would have been placed under arrest and taken to jail. This had absolutely nothing to do with him being black. Probably they checked his rap sheet and saw he was on parole and he didn't want to go back to prison. Remember he was on Parole due to the Coronavirus. He was serving time for beating his children. He was drunk and passed out in the car, whatever race you were they would not let you just go home.

  8. Northwest Woodsman: Sorry to say it folks, but in this alternate universe we currently reside in, you are not allowed to shoot or harm a protected species in any manner or for any reason.

  9. You can't shoot someone in the back and justify it. If he had shot when they were face to face firing the taser it would have been different.

    1. This is inaccurate. You most definitely can, as he had his body turned and shot the taser. The reaction time of pulling the trigger from the cop and the time in which the guy turned is what the lawyers will battle out. He was well within his rights as soon as the taser was fired.

  10. 1:05 dui is a money maker and good for officers arrest records. They won't let someone walk home or give them a ride. I dont care what color you are. This isn't 1960

    1. This is the truth. Those are tales of an era long passed. They do not let people just walk home.

  11. 1:49. Good point. Perhaps we shouldn’t think of various infractions as “money-makers”. That might be a good start.

  12. Hey 2:29. He was pointing a Taser (your word...weapon) from a big distance while running away. Clearly not a threat. Shot in the back. Indisputable.

    1. When he pulled the trigger he put the officers live at risk. At that moment the officer was allowed to protect himself. His life had been threated.

  13. If the subject had been allowed to go home what would have prevented him from returning to retrieve his car?
    Then when he was involved in an accident and someone was hurt or killed the public would be up in arms because they man had not been arrested when he was legally intoxicated. You can’t have it both ways.

  14. 3:46. You’re the one trying to have it both ways. Playing what if’s. Let’s see. What was the guy doing when the police were called? Sleeping. My what if is that he was allowed to go home it’s a pretty sure bet that he’d be sleeping again. Sadly neither of us will ever know what might have happened.

  15. The officer will win his job back...with full back pay and benefits

    That officer will than sue everyone

  16. Trolls will need the police some day and they will not be their. Executive order for police reforms for WHAT? Trump got used again by the Democrats. Ag Barr and his team have never been in a police car. In 8 years le will be big government to the max. And YOU ALL asked for it.

  17. When I was young I rember the State and City police Would take people home if they were drunk, so they wouldn't get hurt or someone else. How the times have changed. Two in the back black man.

  18. 9:50

    But that was right after prohibition was repealed.

  19. Blacks need to LEARN to DO as the Police order them to do, like
    everyone else does , and they will be Okay , like everyone ELSE !!!!

    Quit fighting back , & resisting , & bringing trouble on Themselves !!!!

    Then they cry Racist to the police & the world , when it was NObody's
    fault , But their OWN in the first place !!!!

  20. Blacks Never mention that Plenty of them are Racists !!! No, Only the
    Whites can be a Racist !!! NOT

    Also the Democrat Controlled news never says so either !!! Only Whites
    could be the Racists !!! NOT

    Racists Smacists !!! This Cry & Wine will Go on Forever !!! Sick of it

    Blacks call each other the N word all the time , like it is Cool , but if a
    White dare did it > OH that's a HATE Crime !!!! Quit the Wining !!!

  21. I was pulled over by MSP once 50 feet from the townhouse I was staying in. Did he let me walk home? NO I was handcuffed and taken away. I am white and so was the State Trooper. So much for us whiteys doing favors in the name of white privilege.


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