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Monday, June 15, 2020

Seattle is Dying


  1. So is Ocean city

  2. Its already dead Jim!

  3. This, taken with today's events, is a great example of what happened to Seattle in the space of just over a year under its current leadership. It got worse, immeasurably worse.

  4. We must recognize this is happening on purpose. It is not happenstance. Afghanistan was taken for the poppies. The poppies are being used as a weapon to destroy America, just like the elites did to China a century ago.

  5. all Putin and ask for him and 5000 troops from Spetsnaz and let'em clean this crap up! One days work for them!

  6. This was best video I’ve on this site. Highly recommended. Made by a local news station which I’m sure tends to the liberal side. It’s all about the source. Deserves a Pulitzer Prize.

  7. I grew up in Seattle when it was a safe fun place to live. The liberal politics and bleeding hearts have done this to themselves. I will go back to visit other areas, but will never set foot in downtown Seattle again, and that's a shame.


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