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Saturday, June 06, 2020

Researchers Retract Botched Anti- Hydroxychloroquine Study Which Was Used To Attack Trump

An influential study which found anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine raised the risk of cardiac issues has been retracted by its three authors.

The study, published on May 22 in the UK's prestegious Lancet medical journal, relied on bogus data from a company called Surgisphere, which would not transfer the full dataset for an independent review, and "can no longer vouch for the veracity of the primary data sources."

While the company that produced the original data, Surgisphere Corp., had signaled that it would cooperate with an independent review, it ultimately reneged and said doing so would violate confidentiality agreements, wrote the study authors. “As such, our reviewers were not able to conduct an independent and private peer review,” the authors said. -Bloomberg

Notably, the World Health Organization halted trials of the drug, only to reverse course after the Lancet issued a major disclaimerregarding the study.



  1. Look if you dont believe the luciferians are trying to control the narrative your blind..glaf to see they cant keep the decption and lies straight. No ones buying their feel good do good lying BS anymore

  2. This is why hospitalizations are down.It is being widely used everywhere to treat covid. Our group that was formed to pick up food and other supplies for people home bound with covid had to get on a few drug store chains because they were telling the dr's offices to tell people picking up prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine that they couldn't come in the stores to get them and had to use drive thru. Many of us picking them up weren't sick we were just helping out these people

  3. So they risked lives in hopes of tarnishing Trump because he talked about the drug as a possible treatment... these people are sick

  4. 5:34 I think it's more of they tried. It's being widely prescribed for covid 19 patients who aren't hospitalized by doctors' offices nationwide. I believe it was in TX where the pharm board tried to prevent it being prescribed by requiring doctors to notify the pharmacy of the diagnosis. This is against HIPAA laws and would have put doctors in a position of breaking the law or not prescribing out of hospital setting. The doctors with the help of the pharmacists found a way around this requirement and the pharm board did give up. All doctors are reporting overall success if prescribed early enough.


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