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Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Red Alert: Terrorist Group Antifa Announces Violent Riots are Coming to These Cities… Please Pray

(Gateway Pundit) – We reported previously that the groups behind the riots in the US include domestic terrorists, Black lives Matter, US Islamists and others linked to the Democrat Party.

President Trump announced a few days ago that Antifa will be labeled a terrorist group:

President Donald Trump has just tweeted out that ANTIFA, the anti-fascist group that has been involved in street protests for several years, will be designated as a Terrorist Organization.

Actor James Woods is right – Antifa are just pawns is greater plans to build a socialist nirvana in the US.

We have found evidence that at AntifacistsofRedditt plans are made for where to protest and when and where to meet.



  1. Fear after Sept 2001 has been and continues to be our worse enemy.

    The price tag alone for being safe will be felt for several generations.

    Heck we have spent Trillions in just the last 100 days

    1. @10:43 you seem to be Ok with ANTIFA!!

    2. 10:43
      I caution people not to identify with the US Government since it is vile and evil to its core.

      “WE” did not counterfeit Trillions of US Dollars.
      That was done by the Federal Reserve Bank.

      “WE” will be expected to “repay” it to those Bankers, even though they never had it to begin. Crazy, right?

  2. So why would you let them know you have vital information like their future plans??

  3. Can we invite them to Salumsbury, we could you this improvement for our downtown!

  4. I bet if they went to the suburbs most of the people there would donate money to them and feed them and possibly join them

  5. They need to go to the homes ofPelosi, Schumer and those idiots on The View.

  6. Lock and load, take no prisoners.

  7. 1156 Crazzzy Indeed!

  8. understand who your enemy is...some don't...

  9. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™knock on my door πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


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