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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Project Veritas Video Shows Facebook Content Moderators Discussing Censoring Conservatives, Reveals ‘Exception’ Given To Don Lemon For Hate Speech

Facebook content moderators discussed using their positions to censor Republicans and conservatives in an undercover video released by activist group Project Veritas on Tuesday.

The video shows individual Facebook content moderators working for a third party contractor, Cognizant, expressing their eagerness to censor supporters of President Donald Trump. The footage also shows that CNN host Don Lemon was granted an “exception” by a Facebook for speech that would have otherwise violated Facebook’s rules against hate speech.



  1. These attitudes are just want satan wants - pre runs for "The mark of the beast"

    JESUS and Mary has now made the white privilage list and must go

    Is bible will be next? Its full of real truth that the left despise

  2. There is nothing UNITED in our states of America.

    Sad indeed.

  3. Tell me why everyone thinks a business like Facebook is a free speech and public forum. They are not Censoring anything they are controlling their product which is content that you sit around unpaid and create for them.

  4. Lemon is a special fruit?

  5. They threw me off a month ago. One of the POS Libby's didn't like to argue the FACTS I had. Oh well. I sold my stock and said screw them.

  6. And why don't the government step in. Hopefully in the next 4 years

  7. 5:40
    Facebook currently enjoys immunity from civil lawsuit under the notion that they are just a platform for people to post comments, are neutral and not a political forum.

    Facebook, Google, Twitter and the like have long since abandoned neutrality and engage in political activism.

    The immunity should be revoked.


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