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Tuesday, June 02, 2020

President Trump addressed the Nation

President Trump was appalled last week by the tragic killing of Minnesota resident George Floyd. Together, thousands of Americans spoke out against this injustice and sought to make their voices heard through peaceful, lawful protest.

Then, what should have been a solemn moment of national reflection was upended by some of the worst elements of society.

Here is what President Trump just told the Nation:

My Administration is fully committed that for George and his family, justice will be served. He will not have died in vain. But we cannot allow the righteous cries of peaceful protesters to be drowned out by an angry mob.

Innocent people of have been savagely beaten, like the young man in Dallas, Texas, who was left dying on the street. Or the woman in upstate New York, viciously attacked by dangerous thugs. Small business owners have seen their dreams utterly destroyed. New York’s Finest have been hit in the face with bricks. Brave nurses, who have battled the virus, are afraid to leave their homes. A police precinct station has been overrun. Here in the nation’s capital, the Lincoln Memorial and the World War Two Memorial have been vandalized. One of our most historic churches was set ablaze. A federal officer in California, an African-American enforcement hero, was shot and killed.

These are not acts of peaceful protest. These are acts of domestic terror.

Violence against any American will never be tolerated. Tonight, President Trump announced executive actions to stop the rioting and restore safety to our cities.

First, he recommended every Governor deploy the National Guard and establish an overwhelming law enforcement presence until the violence has been quelled. If a city or state refuses to take action, then the U.S. Military will be deployed.

The President also announced decisive action to protect Washington, D.C., and our cherished national monuments. “As we speak, I am dispatching thousands and thousands of heavily armed soldiers, military personnel, and law enforcement officers to stop the rioting, looting, vandalism, assaults, and the wanton destruction of property.”

Every rioter and instigator will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Organizers of violence and terror will face lengthy and severe criminal penalties.

“I take these actions today with firm resolve, and with a true and passionate love for our country. By far our greatest days lie ahead.”


  1. Earlier I had to slap down and put in their place a lying POS who dared come here and try and spread lies. They claimed the President calls all the protester thugs. The President has always supported the peaceful protester every single time he has spoken on this issue. One thing I have learned is those who are against the President are the dregs of society. They are all liars human filth who have not ever will not ever serve any useful purpose to society They are right he is NOT their President. They are not worthy to have him as their President

    1. STFU....when we took a peaceful knee y'all cried about your flag. All you've done for the last 3 years is cry about Obama and Hillary. Where's your healthcare? Where's the better school education? Roads and highways need repair. Oh but you got a tax cut and some judges. Trump is a clown and only white people live him. Wonder why? First it was the caravan of invaders then we were SOB'S for taking a knee. Y'all just need to be honest that you want a white man to do better than a black man at their job. This ain't got nothing to do with politics. Strictly racial equality.

    2. 6:37 Y'all are just plain ignorant. Deny facts and logic all you want but the reality is that democrats and the left are deceiving you. Pull your head out of your arse Education, illegals health care have been ruined by previous administration common core, obama care, do need to be fixed. I would support an AA for president i know of allot of blacks i would vote for. But its about core american values. Democrats are no longer about america and obvuiosly they have you deceived. Take a knee for the big lie about blacks and cops!! Sure when more whites are killed by cops then blacks. Blacks have more opportunity to suceed in this country and i served and work with allot of fellow black americans i would die to protect.

    3. You are clearly a commie

  2. God Bless President Trump and our great country..

  3. Thank you, President Trump. I pray that light will surround you and our country.

  4. Cowardly and unconscionable. Anyone defending this is an abject Nazi.

    1. Love my prez 🤗😘

  5. More positive has been done in the first few years of Trump being in office than the four Obama years. The distractions of phony accusations and time consuming investigations, the Obama DOJ already knew were not legitimate, wasted a lot of time and money. Liberals have ruined our country by stifling the true American spirit. The only time a democrat will appear successful is when republicans control the House while they are in the WH.

  6. If the call to Floyd's brother was important enough for the President to publicize it in his speech Saturday, maybe it was important enough for the brother to have been allowed to speak during the call.

  7. Northwest Woodsman: I don’t think I could continue to perform my duties if I were faced with as much adversity and resistance as President Trump has in his short period in office. Despite all the adversity, he has made serious accomplishments that have gone unheralded. All the baseless and ridiculous allegations thrown at him seem to have little effect and he keeps plugging along. What worries me is that with the collusion of press, media, and the worthless toads in Hollywood, it Is having considerable influence on people who do not look critically at the political, security, and social issues that we are currently facing. The media continue fanning the flames and inciting violence by influencing those among us who are easily manipulated. Give your average guy on the street beer and football along with “Orange Man Bad” and they happily go along with it without any further evaluation. The only encouraging event this week has been the reaction of the people of Snohomish, WA, where hundreds of their citizens patrolled the downtown area, armed and openly carrying firearms. They warned “ Antifa”, “not in our town” and video shows the local police and sheriff driving by and not interfering with the citizens carrying guns. I need not say that the Antifa Aholes did not stir up any rioting or destruction of businesses in Snohomish. This is the kind of action that needs to occur in every town and city if we want to put an end to leftist democrat anarchy. Places where the second amendment is honored have this ability. I’d hate to live in states like New York or Maryland where repeal of the second amendment is a primary goal. Please disregard unconstitutional laws and policies issued by democrats with an agenda and arm yourselves. If this is not stopped quickly, you are definitely going to be totally responsible for your own protection.

  8. For all you racist pathetic scum on here I speak for this black and the ones who think like me. I don't want your power I don't want ur white man I don't want to live by you I don't care if you like me.


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