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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

PORTLAND: Antifa Terrorists Protected by Allied Democrat Politicians Shut Down Traffic For 17th Straight Day, Violently Mob Driver (VIDEO)

Antifa domestic terrorists in Portland have shut down traffic for 17 straight days and as usual, the police are no where to be found.

On Saturday, Antifa rioters violently mobbed a driver on SE Powell Blvd in Portland.

There is no law and order in Portland thanks to Democrat politicians.

These Antifa rioters are protected by the Democrats who are refusing to enforce the law.



  1. I don't blame em for not showing up.Their jobs are safe because a record low number are going through police academies.The police have us over a barrel.

  2. Bo Jiden here, whats the matter with uhhh hmm that tiffany group uhhh having fun. Everybody uhh errr likes a bonfire, and uhhh can't have fire errrrr hmmm without uh huh whiskey. Ya ya ya just can't blame uhhh hmmm the liqueur store uhhh borrowing, that's it uhh borrowing liquer. I had a burrow once. I loved uhhh smelling my burrow. So get a burrow, and uhhh hmmm vote for uhhh hmmm me because errr hmmmm I like tiffany groups. Dated a hmmm uhhh girl named uhhh tiffany once. Uhh yeah right after uhh hmmm I married my uhhh hmmm wife.

  3. Wake up people... you’re going to have to start shooting

    1. Yeah and get two life sentences that’s if you make it to the court room

  4. to the floor and as many as you can drag

  5. Who's gonna arrest you??? lol WHO???

    The police???

    They aren't arresting anyone right now, and in fact, I think they might find a reason not to be able to locate the shooter or find anyone in the vicinity. Citizens doing what they WISH THEY COULD.

    I think the police would secretly cheer someone putting 30 rounds into a crowd that is throwing bricks at their head and dousing them with gasoline.

    And, NEVER forget about that Jury Nullification thing, you know, where jurors are NOT (AND NEVER ARE) bound to follow any "directions" from the judge, or "instructions" from the prosecutors. They can LEGALLY and without ANY FEAR OF PUNISHMENT find another citizen innocent of murder, even if 20 witnesses swear they saw said person shoot another citizen and even have PHOTO'S!! Exactly what happened in the O.J. Simpson jury trial. EXACTLY.
    Trial at 9, innocent by noon.
    If they want a verdict of not guilty, that's their right, but it's a right that the judge's will not EVER allow to be spoken of out loud in the courtroom. Do it and you will be REMOVED FROM THE COURTROOM! By force.
    That's correct. JUDGES and prosecutors want to conceal from citizens their rights under law in order to accomplish their mission.
    It's like they decided long ago to not tell you about your right to free speech.
    Your "leaders".

    And arm up. Heavily. It's coming, whether you care to believe it or not.
    They (these chaos creating animals) want it to come. Stupidly, but, nevertheless, WANT it.
    I, for one, got all they can handle. And I'm far from alone.

  6. Of course they are being protected by Democrats. Look at BLM website and see where the donations go. That's right it all goes directly to the Democrats. Check it out.


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