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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Pinkerton: Ten Things that Will Happen in a Biden Presidency

The Marketing Imagination and the Political Imagination

According to the RealClearPolitics polling average, Joe Biden is about ten points ahead of Donald Trump.

Moreover, the planned “reset” of Trump’s reelection campaign in Tulsa on June 20 was not a success, at least in terms of its expectations-game optics; the Trump fans were enthusiastic, but there were only 6,200 of them—a fraction of the number that the campaign itself had anticipated. Was the soft attendance the result of Democrat dirty tricks? Or of threatened mob violence? Perhaps there was some of that, but the plain fact is that the Trump campaign had trouble building a crowd in a state that Trump carried by by more 36 points four years ago. Other events, elsewhere in the last few days, we might note, have gone much better, expectations-game management-wise.

Meanwhile, in just three-and-a-half months, Americans will start voting, thanks to absentee voting and vote-by- mail. Thus the Trump campaign must necessarily enter a new and sharper phase, in which it runs more effectively against what it calls the “defined Joe Biden”—that is, Biden revealed as something other than “Middle Class Joe.”

Yet if the Trump campaign is to succeed in “defining” Biden, as a menace, it won’t be sufficient to argue that Biden is “Sleepy Joe,” or that he has adopted new, more liberal, stances during his 2020 run for the White House. Those might both be true statements, but they aren’t enough. The plain fact is, “Joe Biden isn’t scaring the president’s base.” Those wordscome from the Washington Post’s David Weigel, who is not one of those PC journalistic wokesters, and who was on hand at the rally in Tulsa. He further recorded that anti-Biden sentiments were not strongly voiced among the crowd, and that “anti-Biden merchandise was not flying off the table.” Yes, Weigel acknowledged, many Trump supporters think that Biden has lost a step or two—or three—mentally, but that’s not the same thing as seeing him as some sort of Hillary Clinton-type ogre.

So we can see: If the Trump campaign just runs against Biden, sitting in his basement in Delaware—which is, shrewd Democrats say, the best place for him to be—that’s not likely to be sufficient to overcome the ominous public opinion trend-lines on Trump’s handling of, most notably, the coronavirus.



  1. This paragraph alone should be enough to add to the energy of Trump supporters:

    "We know, for instance, that a Biden Justice Department will swing its door wide open to the American Civil Liberties Union and Black Lives Matter, as well as to the many hirelings of George Soros, the billionaire who has spent many millions transforming the judicial system, defeating incumbent prosecutors and replacing them with anti-law enforcement zealots. "

  2. How can 10 things Happen in Biden Presidency....when he isn't President?


    Cart before the HORSE again?

    Just like in 2016....stop it!


  3. No guns
    Open boarders
    Reductions of police
    Free speech gone
    Higher taxes
    Carbon taxes
    Green deal.

    1. Who will enforce the no gun, no free speech, no open boarders, higher taxes, and green tax laws if there are no police? Just asking.

  4. It'll only happen if you the voters let it.

  5. I don't have to listen to all this BS - I already know who can run this country effectively and his name is Donald Trump - Keep
    America great! I have a feeling I am not alone in this matter. Trump is it and that's the way I am voting.

  6. Vote Republican and your problems will be well taken care of. Vote democrat and you are a goner.

  7. Only ONE thing would happen > The World would END !!!

  8. Biden would launch missiles & Forget where they went !!!!

  9. Don't give him the launch codes !!!! Hell No


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