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Friday, June 26, 2020

Pelosi: Senate Republicans Are Trying to Get Away with the ‘Murder of George Floyd’

Tuesday on CBS Radio, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) accused Senate Republicans of trying to get away with not doing serious police reform in the wake of George Floyd’s death.

When host Steve Futterman asked if a compromise could be reached with Republicans in the Senate, Pelosi said, “Well, you be the judge. We’re saying ‘no chokeholds.’ They’re not saying, ‘no chokeholds.’ I mean, there’s a big difference.”

She continued, “What’s the compromise? ‘Some chokeholds’? I don’t see what the compromise is. You know, ‘No racial profiling?’ Maybe ‘some’? So the point, Steve, is the following: They understand that there’s a need to get something done. The press has given them so much play for this bare leaves, unsalvageable piece of legislation, and then say, ‘Well, can’t you compromise with that?’ No, because it is — ‘no.’ And we are, ‘yes.’ It isn’t, ‘maybe.’”



  1. She wants to deflect from Minnesota being a Democrat state Democrat city where the crime happened and a Democrat cop

  2. It didn't matter what was put forth by the Minority. Whatever Pelosi says, the meaning is clear: there will be no negotiation with Republicans on anything, period, ever, period.

  3. This women is further evidence of the incredible lack of judgement and ineptness from the left wing liberals. It is unbelievable that some people actually listen to and believe the rhetoric.

  4. So weird because I thought he was innocent until proven guilty in court.
    It wasn’t a choke
    He should have turned him on his side so his chest could get full movement
    He overdosed and the cop didn’t recognize cardiac arrest
    If he is trained to hold in that position?
    50/50 on homicide
    Will or can he get a legitimate trial?
    Money ?
    What is his training?
    Body cams?

  5. Hasn’t she stole enough. If nothing else, retire to give a new crooked thief a opportunity to get rich off the tax payer. Sick of looking at that old mug.

  6. NO, Democrats are trying to get away with that & everything else !!!

  7. Call the Bastards OUT on it at Every turn !!! Bury them 2020 !!!


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