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Sunday, June 07, 2020



  1. Not really, its expected these days.

    But it is very sad.

  2. they have a job to do and owe it to America to do it!

    1. 1:42 - what are you taking about? They are there to reinforce the fact that the law is to be obeyed. Laying down, rolling over, etc. is wrong. Enforce the law and do it equally!

    2. Are there people looting in front of them as they do this? No one is breaking the law by protesting. If there is no one at this specific location breaking the law should they be cracking people's skulls and shooting rubber bullets at innocent civilians?

  3. Appeasement worked well for Neville Chamberlain.

    1. At 1:43 p.m.. Your absolutely 100% correct. Appeasement just shows your enemy that you are weak.

    2. Other Americans are not the “enemy” fool.

  4. Well, this is the end. The end of the United States of America’s.

    When a soldiers who “solemnly swears to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God,” gives up, it’s over.

    This once great country is done. I’m just glad that my father, s decorated World War II veteran isn’t alive to see this.

    1. Same, my dad served in Vietnam and came back with both patriotism for his country and the ability to speak out against the messed up things they did. He would not, ever, silence his fellow countrymen. In fact, defending our American rights is the reason he enlisted in the first place.

  5. Grow up. If this calms the heathens down then I'm all for it. Do you want more bloodshed. Your idol has stirred up enough stuff. I'll vote for him anyway.

    1. You better vote for him again 156, if you know what's good for you

    2. Our idol is really what you wanted to type. We know ...it was an accident.

  6. Politically correct riot control. Gotta love it.

  7. Why pathetic? Empathy and compassion can go a long way in these situations. It's past time to turn down the temperature.

    1. Because Trump supporters only understand how to bash things with rocks

  8. Blame there Lib pos bosses they are only doing what they where ORDERED to do.

  9. Good for them. As the terrible riots evaporate and more peaceful protests emerge, they are deescalating the situation as any reasonable, virtuous, and moral human beings should.

  10. this country has died.

  11. They need to be fired and kicked out of the U.S. Military. Bunch of F'n COWARDS!

    1. Says the keyboard warrior

    2. Stay in mommy's basement.

  12. This pisses me off!

  13. This proves they won't fight for America. There is one thing about agreeing on peace and another thing refusing to do their jobs.

    1. They won’t fight Americans

    2. TREASONOUS anarchist commies are NOT AMERICAN'S they hate EVERYTHING about America and Freedom FOOL

    3. You’re the fool, fool.

  14. Northwest Woodsman: If the police are not going to protect you and the national guard are laying down their shields and probably weapons, who is left to protect you, your family, and your property. Do you need a multiple choice test with for possible answers or should I just give you a hint. That hint relies strongly on the Second amendment.

    1. ✔️ yup that's y Trump send that the other day when he said the 2 ND Amendment.

  15. It is Pathetic.

  16. Why is it pathetic? Because cops are condemning the brutality of their fellow peers?

    1. NO we all agree to that BUT it's PATHETIC bc they are spitting on Fellow cops n solders faces who have been hit by bricks punched shot and killed these POS are nothing but lib Saks of shit libs hiding behind a uniform who speak out of both sides of there Treasonous mouth pick a fun side FREEDOM OR WORLD SOCIALISM I for one will NEVER TAKE A KNEE TO ANARCHIST.

    2. Oh good so we can't blame all cops for working every day with a handful of abusive individuals but we should shoot up a peaceful protest because some other people looted a few nights earlier.

  17. Eh. You're just a fragile man who thinks masculinity and power can only be derived from force.

  18. Ashville, NC cops destroy a medic station for protesters. The medic team, made of EMTs and doctors, said the medical station was approved by the city.now THATS pathetic

    1. Asheville is the new Seattle.

  19. A line is being drawn in the sand. Which side of history do you want to be on? Freedom? Or the oppressors?

  20. https://www.local10.com/news/local/2020/06/03/officer-accused-of-pushing-teen-during-protest-has-71-use-of-force-cases-on-file/

  21. And they would probably shoot a guy trying to open his business.

  22. Old generation is a bunch of idiots. You actually want the military or police to go to war with the people? Your kids and grandkids. Yet we are suppose to respect our elders lol. Your generation is a disgrace. Highest taxes ever. Taxed on everything. Freedoms taken away left and right. The last 30 years has screwed this country becuase of YOU. Not a person who is 21 and has only been able to vote once. YOU are the problem.

    1. Go back to Mommy's basement bitch ass snowflake.

    2. Hello on "wise" one. Please enlighten we the problematic elderly wrongdoers with your solutions.

      Huh? Oh yeah cupcake, trying to make a splash where the big fish play includes your need to provide options not whining like a little child who wants their pacifier.

    3. @642 go play somewhere im busy. Im a menace with a matic. Check my record.

      @856 lets see in the last 30 years youve bent over and paid every tax with a smile on your face. Youve lost more freedoms amd created more laws in this country in the last 30 years then in the previous 150 years before that. Your not a big fish at all lol. I mean how can you be you pay the gov 40% in taxes every year. Your solution should be stop coat tailing what your parents did for this country and pretending like you did it, you did nothing. Next go support the fire department or ems or something and see the police for what they really are. I could smash your generation all day but it would never get through. So go drink your coffee and pick your dogs shit up lol. Your generation invented picking up dog shit, i mean come on. Alright ill stop.

    4. So we get mad when people blame Trump for issues that were around long before he took office, but we blame kids for the state of the world today. 5:40 is right.

  23. Treason. Punishable by death. Use the firing squad

    1. God I hope you get shot for having a burned out tail light

  24. Reap what you sewn

  25. Unbelievable and in Tennessee at that. SMH

  26. Must have a black in charge.

    1. ✔️✔️✔️

    2. Racist much? It's people like you who have caused all this.

  27. Democrat RAT Traitors.

  28. Live free or die ??????

  29. TAKING a knee in support of Commie anti American socialist Anarchist GREAT now hang them for TREASON.

  30. If people are simply standing peacefully and protesting they are doing exactly what they should. If you aren't going to lump all cops in with the bad ones then don't do it to the protestors either. They have a right to be there and if they are behaving lawfully then there is no reason for escalation. It takes guts to do what they did and I commend them for it. You people talk about ANTIFA wanting civil war but from some of the comments on this article you are no better than them.

  31. If these are "good protesters" than why in the hell are they deployed THERE????

    Get your asses over to where the trouble makers are!

    Chicken Shits.

  32. Jake Day is a girly girlJune 3, 2020 at 10:16 PM

    Jake Day is in charge of this unit

    go figure

  33. Extremely pathetic! President Trump needs to cut off Federal funding to those states when this shit happens. They are refusing to do their jobs and they need to suffer the consequences.

  34. Anonymous said...
    Ashville, NC cops destroy a medic station for protesters. The medic team, made of EMTs and doctors, said the medical station was approved by the city.now THATS pathetic

    June 3, 2020 at 3:39 PM

    What is pathetic? Destroying the "medic station" or EMT's and doctors there to treat protestors?

    The EMT's and doctors are PATHETIC!

  35. Anonymous said...
    Racist much? It's people like you who have caused all this.

    June 3, 2020 at 9:26 PM

    Is that you again, Ben Rayne?

  36. 5:40 the real disgrace for the older generation is that they raised ungrateful uneducated illiterates like you! your parents are the real losers here for not aborting afterbirth like yourself! shame on them!

  37. Jake day your civil war is coming Shame you will be in Africa pushing a ✏️.


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