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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Pandering Democrats Exploits George Floyd Death wearing African Clothing


  1. Trick or Treat Halloween already ?June 21, 2020 at 4:12 AM

    Racist true colors of Democrats being exposed...

    Majority of Americans know their evil lies.

    the only base the Democrats are pandering to are Convicts in Jail

  2. They would be a better fit to go to Africa!

  3. Amplifies everything the democrats stand for nothing! pandering cultural appropriation. Its kinda like a modern day blackface? Its so disgusting. These vile creatures these democrats a platform based on lies, deception, slavery, hate and death.
    TRUMP 2020

  4. The African garb they wore was from a slave trading tribe... how fitting

  5. If they want to push reparations why not start with their assets earned by their public office?!?

  6. And they criticized Trump for the picture in front of St Johns Church.
    What a bunch of political hypocrites.

  7. their true colors are coming out. Take that knee and bow down you peasants. Pandering for votes is all this is.

  8. FAKE politicians which are Really Traitors of America !!!

  9. Since the Democrats and the Democrat Party fought to maintain slavery and founded the Klan, maybe they should consider doing away with the Democrat Party and its symbol. However, the symbol does seem very appropriate in its representation of “jackasses”.
    They have definitely become a very “sick bunch”!

  10. Since the Democrats and the Democrat Party fought to maintain slavery and founded the Klan, maybe they should consider doing away with the Democrat Party and its symbol. However, the symbol does seem very appropriate in its representation of “jackasses”.
    They have definitely become a very “sick bunch”!

  11. They DON'T represent MY America & need to be thrown the Hell OUT !!

  12. Since when did showing understanding, empathy, and compassion become pandering?


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