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Sunday, June 07, 2020

Only Color and Sexual Preference Matter In Salisbury Maryland


  1. Instead of complaining....just make a ‘White-Owned Businesses in Salisbury, MD’

    1. They all left the Downtown area due to being wise businesses owners. So the list is very short thanks to Laura Soper!

  2. What is considered black? 100%? 75%? 50%? Or is it just whatever you feel like? The whole label thing is so sick.

  3. Good I now know where not to spend my $. This works both ways !

    1. Won't be spending my money at any establishments on the list. Thank you

  4. with a list like that, no wonder about Salisbury blight.

  5. Good to know. Now I won’t visit these shops

  6. i won't miss where i don't go anyway.

  7. I plan to support all local businesses.

  8. Have never spent a dime at one of these places and now after free advertising from Salisbury, I will make sure to never spend a dime in these places!

  9. #Boycott these stores unless the put a , "All lives matter" sign in the window.

  10. Someone please tell them you want a banner celebrating White pride and when they say NO ... SUE THEM.

  11. Never been to any of them. Now I don’t feel bad.
    Put some more wood on the fire Salisbury. Classy.

  12. Thanks for the list...i alreay have traks deli off my list. Saw msnbc on the tv waiting for order. Ill go else where

  13. Who would make a list like that?

    It may even be illegal for the mayor to compile such a list.

    Special favors list?

  14. Tried The Candid Yam one time, could not fulfill the menu, out of half of the items listed. Food and service was subpar.

    1. 1:46 Oh crap you’re going to upset James Y. For saying thatšŸ¤£

  15. By specifically and deliberately buying only from black owned businesses, is THAT also a form of racism??

    If you don't think so, imagine a "white-owned" business list and urging people to shop at THOSE businesses.

    A GOVERNMENT official doing such promotion?? If I were a white business owner of a nail salon or a hair salon, I would be HIGHLY agitated. MY taxes pay YOU to represent ALL OF US --equally.

    It's hard to have credibility when you say you can do anything (if only white people would get their knees "off your neck") but at the same time say you need MORE welfare, more student loan forgiveness, more job and hiring preferences and pleadings for black-only business promotion (from white people).
    It's one or the other, but not both.
    By the way, NO ONE I know, and I know thousands of people, EVER said "don't go there- black people own that place". It didn't (and still does not) matter. It's the product or service that gets my attention - not the color of the skin of the owner.
    Now, who is racist????

  16. They will really miss you grumps

  17. I have never once stopped to think whether a business is Black-Owned or White-Owned, Asian-Owned or whatever-owned. The fact that someone would stop and think of this before patronizing the business is racist in and of itself. As usual, the left is caught doing exactly what they blame others for doing. Why does skin color matter?

    1. Actually this is AMERICA. If anyone choose a place to patronize on race. ITS THEIR RIGHT. WTFAY?? Most of the time I walk into a place and look around. If it's dirty. Unkept. Or smells. I Walk. That's my right. ITS AMERICA. You can call whomever you want racist for whatever reason. IT DOESN'T BOTHER ME. I SPEND MY MONEY WTF I WANT.

  18. I go to places that provide a quality product and or service. Don’t really care who the owners are. I think most of these restaurants are good and MOJOs is one of my favorites.

  19. Once the health department does a couple of visits. They won't be open.

    1. Apparently not. Fat Boys is a roach haven, scoop ice w/ a piece of a scooper and a piece of hand and got weeks to evict the roaches

  20. Who cares?? SALISBURY MD is dying a slow death. SU will soon be another historical black college entity. WATCH.

  21. Hilarious!! How many of these businesses are actually still open and I doubt their able to provide much tax revenue for the city and state. But hey they definitely qualified for prior minority owned business grants and funding. Slaves to the rich white politicians and liberal billionaires of the world. You're being exploited and Don't even understand

  22. When you create a list of businesses based on the race of the owner aren’t you encouraging segregation?

  23. Never included the numerous taxi cab businesses used to transport people and what ever else.

  24. I hate it here.
    Just when you thought this place couldn't get any more ignorant.

  25. June 5, 2020 at 7:59 PM you mean the drug delivery services?

  26. Exotic sound and tint is another. Class act. Great owner

  27. The city of Salisbury never fails to disappoint when it come to degrading itself.
    The thought never occurred to them to support all local businesses since so many employee blacks.
    Just like black lives matters marginalizes most black murder victims Salisbury marginalizes local black employees unless they work at a specific place.

  28. " lmclain said...
    By specifically and deliberately buying only from black owned businesses, is THAT also a form of racism??"

    I don't see it as a form of racism but a form of utter and sheer stupidity. Stupidity is what day, glutz, etc are famous for though.
    They have effectively dismissed the 1000's of black employees of white and other race and ethic owned businesses as not important.

    1. 7:50 Nah I see racism at its finest.


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