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Saturday, June 27, 2020

Ocean City Community Loves Their Law Enforcement Officers

Just moments ago I was able to capture the above Blue Lives Matter Rally that literally went on for MILES! There's no question about it, hundreds of vehicles met at WalMart in Berlin and traveled with a Police Escort to the Ocean City Convention Center in support of our law enforcement officers. Talk about goose bumps! 


  1. I pulled over out of fear

    1. yes YOU should

    2. Apparently ya ain't living right dude!

    3. This might be a dumb question but why would anyone pull over out of fear?? That comment blows my mind most of us there were veterans active duty police both retired and active father's sons daughters grandchildren grandparents black white Spanish and other nationalities.christians , Catholics, Jewish,Indian and so much more I know about 95% of the people there and if the crap hit the fan everyone there would have your back... Don't judge a book by its cover maybe just maybe you might need this book to have your back

  2. So GREAT! It is time the "silent majority" was heard!

  3. Awesome SAUCE!!!

    LEOs, all first responders in the service line of work - can't live without each and every one!

    thanks for the pics!!

  4. God Bless our Federal, State and Local Police !!!

  5. Finally some bright, encouraging, awesome , lifting post. That’s to the blue!

  6. 1205 excellent comment

    1. You still following your boyfriend around?? Or you must be one in the same. Pathetic.

  7. Beautiful Blue. May God Bless them and their families.

  8. Look no riots no destruction. Quite the contrast to blm which is of the devil and for the lowest form of life.

  9. 1205 and 110. You have nothing to fear if you don't break the law. Thank you Blue Lives Matter! Joe, wish you could share your photos to Facebook.

    1. Easy for you to say

    2. Even if you do break the law, you have nothing to fear it you treat them with the respect they deserve.

  10. I would like to see the escort on a monthly basis.so uplifting!God bless!

    1. As a member of the Hogs N Heroes Foundation I'm pretty sure we will be doing it annually, I do know we had 243 bikes 50 vehicles and I would say 700 hundred people

  11. We need more of this and less of the other BS.

  12. This type of pride show spread throughout America. God bless our Police.

  13. We are behind you 100%.

  14. Amazing! Nobody got mugged, no store was looted, no business burn down and no stomping on the flag. Great to see the Law & Order restored. But if you fearful like 12:05, just crawl into the safe place in your mommy's basement and riddle this - BLUE LIVES MATTER & ALL LIVES MATTER.

  15. Great event. Wished I knew about it. Should be publicized better and see if OC could handle this peaceful support of our GREAT LAW ENFORCEMENT. OC would probably sink with all the vehicles that would love to have participated.

  16. An amazing display of graditude. We love our law enforcers. God Bless all of them.

  17. Never a question. It's the mayor and council members who are the BAFFOONS. They are the TOWN CLOWN'S

  18. Thank you, law enforcement brave men and women! We love and appreciate every one of you! Keep up the good work. Well done!

  19. to bad those poor msp guys had to sit out on rt fifty and write tickets instead of joining their parade!

    1. You mean Maryland's finest ticket maid's.

  20. Thank you to The Hogs and Heroes Foundation for putting this event on and thank you to all the groups and individuals who attended this ride to show support for Law Enforcement and a huge thank you to all those who showed their support along the way with signs and cheers or support and love.

    In a time that seems so dark and uncertain this truly was an uplifting day.

  21. 550 and your white. Try being a 1/4 black.

    1. Wow - what a stupid comment! I’d like to know how you know that 550 is white?? Says a lot about you.

    2. 10:40 Did you play for the Baltimore Ravens around 2004, 2005?

  22. 4:53 PM Just come here everyday. You’ll get ALL the news. It was posted here earlier in the week or last week.

  23. A waste of gas.

  24. It was pretty much a KKK rally. Everyone was White, the cops were White. Optics were not that great. I pulled over out of fear honestly.

    1. Really, a KKK rally? What a joke. I was there. I’m not white. There were others who were not white. If you pull over out of fear because of a white person on a motorcycle then you have issues and are part of the problem. You need help. There was a lesson to be learned yesterday... people can come together to show support of a group or a cause with no violence, no looting or destruction of property.

  25. Behind our men & women in Blue where ever they serve and all 1st responders we need to see more events like this. This city needs to rally behind our officers and SPD, STATE POLICE, SHERIFFS OFFICE. I do not support our Child Mayor And Chief Duncan they need to go.

  26. Lmao of course they met up at a Walmart..

  27. It was a beautiful thing to watch. God Bless our men and women in blue. Bikers are always welcome

  28. To the idiot posting they were in fear are you out of your mind. Enough of your ignorant rhetoric. The only thing killing Blacks are other Blacks. There have been over 260,000 young black men killed at the hands of Black men since 1980. Try to wrap your mind around that I know it will be hard for you to do. The police are not your enemy nor are they perfect. The fact is the police are doing a job that has to be done. Are you afraid of young Black men? Just look at all the murders in major cities across America. Your fear is one orchestrated by the leftist and media in this country. Look at the situation in Seattle two young black men killed by other Black men in the CHOP zone. Chicago over July 4 holiday will have anywhere for 20-35 murders and another 60 shootings so who really is killing all these young Blacks it is not the police. Look at all the murders in this country on any given day and you will see the truth.

    May God watch over all us. It is long past due that Americans start to speak out against violence and support one another again. All Americans regardless of race or condition. De-fund the police is a joke we all have seen what lawlessness looks like the last two months. Joe thanks for posting what the left fears the most the truth.


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