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Friday, June 12, 2020

OC Ramps Up Smoking Enforcement On Boardwalk

OCEAN CITY – Officer calls for service nearly doubled in Ocean City last month, and Boardwalk smoking citations increased more than 1,000%.

On Monday, Ocean City Police Chief Ross Buzzuro presented the Ocean City Police Commission with a report on police activity for last month.

In the month of May, officer calls for service increased more than 45%, from 2,928 to 4,264, and citizen calls for service decreased more than 30%, from 2,110 to 1,473.

In the top calls for service, citizen assists decreased from 445 to 396, disorderly calls decreased from 437 to 263, and 911 hang ups decreased from 328 to 214.



  1. From recent video it appears they have more concerns than smoking

  2. Fighting and destruction of property - no cops to be found.

    Light up a cigarette - Statutory Law enforcement.
    Nobody harmed, no property damaged.
    But Statutes provide MONEY.

  3. All the assault going on in OC and you are worried about smoking

  4. More idiocy from our local officials.

  5. Riot, loot, fight and stab all you want but don’t you dare smoke!

  6. cant smoke

    but you can stab, loot and terrioze the town.

  7. now this is to damn funny! beat the crap outta someone rob them knife them destroy private property, but dont you dare light up a cigarette! all about the money! f OC!

  8. Gotta make those $$.

  9. Traffic tickets and smoking violations. The ONLY thing the OCPD is good at. Be sure to give them another raise.

  10. Beat each other but no smoking or cursing

  11. So, here we go AGAIN....rearranging the deck chairs while the freaking ship is SINKING!!! What's wrong with this town? There's thugs running around beating, and stabbing folks, blocking traffic, and on top of that, your ENTIRE small business economy has been dying on the vine, since the virus scam, and the towns gonna prioritize the smoking ban???.....PATHETIC!

  12. How about ramping up beating an stabbing enforcement?

  13. Smoking???? You're worried about smoking when they are killing each other on the boardwalk? Get real. If that's the best you can come up with, you should just close up shop like in Seattle.

  14. Exactly why we dont need cops and just another reason the majority dont want cops.

  15. Yup, if your boardwalk business is burning you will get a ticket for "Smoking".

  16. This town is a JOKE. You can stab or DESTROY no problem. But smoke?? 20 years behind bars. WOW. I feel SOOOOO much better now. Idiots.

  17. You dopes comment with ZERO knowledge on any topic. Let me clue you in: this is a common police tactic, one that worked quite well in areas like Camden. Use minor offenses like this to clear the riff raff and discourage them from gathering in the first place. Costs less than waiting until something happens.

    1. Hey dopy, you are full of chit. When the offense occurs place charges. I’m not so dopey that I do realize proactive policing is nice, but so far there is trouble in Dodge..... clean it up and throw away their smokes when in custody

  18. They don't make any money off the thugs so they go after tourist.

    If the thugs don't chase tourists away, fines for this shit will.

  19. How much is the citation? I wanna get my checkbook out . They cant control the violence but wanna tell me I cant smoke? ok.

    1. Low hanging fruit. Cash flow.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    From recent video it appears they have more concerns than smoking

    June 12, 2020 at 1:44 PM

    Similar to what I was thinking. Drunks, fights, kids running around unsupervised, etc. But hell no to smoking. KMA

  21. Ban anyone from Baltimore from visiting O.C.

    Problem solved!

  22. Typical liberal response,crack down on the simple minded things while letting thugs tear the city up.

  23. What about if it's cannabis and I have a medical card? I neeeeeed this!

  24. So.... dont smoke while your stabbing people

    and you will be ok

  25. smoking no, hate crimes, riots, assaults ok

    Check your priorities

  26. Smoking pot is OK. It's those dirty, nasty cigarettes that will get you locked up.


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