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Saturday, June 06, 2020

NYC Pushes $1.1 Billion Cut To NYPD Budget As Ninth Night Of Demonstrations Begins

Update (1730ET): As the ninth night of demonstrations began, Americans gathered in Minneapolis, New York and elsewhere for what were mostly peaceful protests, as the decision to charge all the officers involved in restraining Floyd has assuaged public anger somewhat.

Bloomberg reports that it has been largely peaceful in most cities so far. Gov Cuomo urged protesters in NYC to get tested for COVID, while the mayor urged them to protest during the day.

Washington and Los Angeles lifted their curfews, while a bipartisan pair of lawmakers asked for a "briefing" on violence at the protests.

NYC's Police Commissioner Dermot Shea replied that the city "absolutely" doesn't need the military to come help suppress the violence.

Asked by CNN if he thought statements by the president criticized as divisive – that the authorities needed to “dominate” protesters-- were helpful, Shea said, “No, I don’t.”

Meanwhile, the push to cut police department budgets his beginning with NYC Comptroller calling for a $1.1 billion reduction in spending on the NYPD over the next four years. Given the drop in local tax revenue, we imagine that many departments - though mostly urban departments that probably could use the manpower, while suburbs continue their longtime trend of overpolicing.

President Trump weighed in with a tweet.




  2. Enjoy your great city life folks
    And don't head our way for we don't want you all here

  3. When all the COP'S leave and go elsewhere. NY will be a bigger SHITHOLE than it already is.

  4. And these village idiots want to run the country??? This is insane. They can't control the crime that is rife in their cities with a fully funded force as is. America... they are pandering to hopefully "peacefully" quell the riots and making promises they never intend to keep. I say Democrats are incapable of managing, leading, or controlling anything, they are just plain and simply incapable.

  5. To the farmers. Please do not send or sell to middlemen who ship food to inner cities. Starve em

  6. NYPD must not be the sharpest tools in the shed...they have lived with no support from the city government, the state just made most crimes "catch and release", and now when they complain about the lack of training in description, they want to cut the NYPD budget. If they were smart they would be former NYPD members and would be moving out of the city & state as quickly as possible.

  7. All this will result in is less policing in the areas where most of the crime occurs-the minority areas.

  8. Northwest Woodsman: Largely peaceful my a$$. There has been more violence involved in this insurrection than any in the past. The news and media once reported the events as they unfolded but now they all have the Marxist narrative to present to gullible citizens. Sad what this country is descending into.


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