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Monday, June 08, 2020

Newt Gingrich: Democrats want to steal November election – here’s how

Make no mistake: Voter fraud is real. Democrats, the anti-Trump news media and the so-called public interest groups on the political left will tell you otherwise, but they are either lying or totally ignorant.

Voter fraud is a threat to the integrity of our elections, the heart of our democracy. Democrats want to make the problem worse with their new voting laws.

I believe this issue is incredibly important, now more than ever. So, as part of my ongoing Election 2020 podcast series, I decided to examine voter fraud in depth in this week’s episode of my podcast “Newt’s World.”

My guest is Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation and manager of the think tank’s Election Law Reform Initiative. He is one of the preeminent experts on election law and election fraud and explains how Democrats are pushing proposals that will clearly make fraud more prevalent.

Anyone who denies the existence of voter fraud in the U.S. needs to go to Heritage’s online database, where they will find 1,285 proven instances of it – including 1,110 criminal convictions.

Some of the stories are quite striking.



  1. We ALL know anytime you use mail for ballots. The corruption is rampant. How many times have we heard of ballots being found everywhere but the Election board?? You can't trust anyone these days. ESPECIALLY Democrats.

  2. Voting for democrats is dangerous for women,children and the elderly since there agenda to defund the police.

  3. Steal again???? HUH? ,....did you check the popular vote in 2016

    1. It's a republic, not a democracy. Popular vote is irrelevant, the elctorial vote is what we do. Get over it

    2. I believe you misunderstood. Hillary won the popular vote - due to fraud.

  4. Of course they want to steal it. Commicrats are all cheaters, liars murderers and theives

  5. Can’t win fairly and so many democrats in charge of elections is going to be tricky.


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