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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Nashville liquor store owner, 88, explains why she shot alleged shoplifter: 'I'm fed up'

Nashville liquor store owner May Boyce, an 88-year-old widow who stands 5-foot-3 and weighs 115 pounds, according to reports, got “fed up” of her store being robbed so she shot an alleged shoplifter.

She told police she grabbed her late mother Mary’s .38 Smith & Wesson snub-nose revolver and shot a suspect who was trying to steal alcohol last Tuesday, according to an affidavit obtained by McClatchy News Service.

“I did what I had to do, and I hope word gets out on the street that I’m fed up and I’m not taking it anymore,” she told The New York Post Saturday. “You’ve got to stick up for yourself sometimes.”

“I did what I had to do,” added Boyce, now out on $10,000 bond. “After you’ve been played for a fool by people stealin’ from you for years, you get fed up. And don’t put me in the category of a little old lady. I know how to take care of myself.”



  1. She was just taking care of business. Should have not even been charged, a trophy is do.

  2. Atta girl. Stick that gun up their nose. It's the only thing they understand.

  3. Go for it grandma
    You tell it like it is
    I support you 1000%

  4. Yes indeed, if police, politicians, BLM and Democrats won’t hold criminals accountable, shoot them.
    That whole crowd likes to dish it out, but when you serve them up a hot steamy plate of their BS they reject you as a racist bigot or suffocate you.

  5. Way to go Granny !

  6. Dirty Harry's mom

  7. F with the bull and get the horns

  8. Love me some grandma

  9. Go granny goooooooooo. You did exactly what you should have done.


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