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Sunday, June 14, 2020

NASCAR Bans Confederate Flag After Black Driver Demands Action

For the first time since its inception 72 years ago, NASCAR is banning the Confederate flag from its events - a symbol which now "runs contrary to our commitment to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all fans, our competitors and our industry."

The move comes one day after the the first full-time Black NASCAR driver in 25 years, Darrel "Bubba" Wallace, called on the organization to ban the flag which serves as a reminder of the days when southern Democrats owned slaves.

According to NPR, the 26-year-old Wallace wasn't offended by the Confederate flag until he 'made an effort to educate himself on what the flag signifies for many people, according to NPR.



  1. Not one customer should Ever go there again.

  2. Yet he is pushing BLM ? Where’s the protest for the white boardwalk victim?? That beating resembled a hate crime. Oops he was white. I didn’t see men come to his aid . I 69 years old and I would hopefully rush to help any person regardless of skin tones .

  3. NASCAR is dead. Boycotted. Don't go. Don't watch it. Don't listen to it on the radio,,if they still do that. Lol

  4. Nascar has been losing fans for years. If they think that this will increase attendance they are badly fooled. Bending over for this special interest group will cost them as they are not the only game in town. There are scores of small tracks in this country that will gladly take fans money and let them fly any flag they want. Also in most cases the racing is better.

  5. Bubba Wallice is a sub par driver, in 5 yrs nobody will remember his name.

  6. Beginning of the end of NASCAR! When will sports teams ever learn. Lose your fan base, lose your sport.

  7. AGAIN. Here is a fine example of WHITE GUILT. NASCAR is bending for one Freaking POS RACIST driver. I wonder how many times he raced with the flag flying?? It's one example how another Sport shamed itself. You are going to loose MILLIONS over a RACIST. WOW. As if attendance wasn't bad enough. Smooth move. NOT

  8. There is one NHL black player and he wants the Racist Pucks changed to Orange.

  9. Another event I’m done with!

  10. They might as well stay with the virtual tour because their seats are now in jeopardy


  11. Not a big NASCAR fan but many are; boring to me. More to the point, many more were NASCAR fans but in recent years attendance has been dropping noticeably. So much so that they've removed thousands of seats that used to sell out so the optics of empty seats wouldn't look so bad on TV and in person.

    NASCAR's roots are based in the South country and it's always been happy to wear a 'good ole boy' attitude, which for some fans included the Rebel flag and symbols. There haven't been many minorities as drivers whether you count gender or race. I think it's mainly a function of who their type of racing had as fans; tough to aspire to get behind the wheel of a sport you don't follow.

    Mr. Wallace seems like a nice guy but immediately making changes like they did will probably just accelerate the demise of their brand. And it won't draw many new customers, nor will it draw new sponsors; it might keep a couple of 'woke' sponsors around for another year or so but as attendance slips their justification for the expense will evaporate.

  12. Mr. Quint, what do you have to sing about this?
    “Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies........”

  13. "According to NPR, the 26-year-old Wallace wasn't offended by the Confederate flag until he 'made an effort to educate himself on what the flag signifies for many people, according to NPR."


    Apparently he didn't do a good job on educating himself because the flag signifies history, heritage, southern and love of our family. But then again NPR says it all!! Kowtow to the friggin majority because the leftwing media says so.

  14. Does anyone watch that crap anyway?

  15. The so called good ol all american patriots mad that they cant flag the flag of the defeated traitors to the US

    1. "flag the flag"? Ever try proof reading 4:52? Your true mentality is showing. Take that bullshit somewhere else where readers might have thoughts like yours.

  16. Done with nascar
    Done with football
    I just told my wife last night that when baseball starts back up and if they just try this taking a knee crap one time then I will be done with that too

    1. Same here 5:23, I was just starting to watch it again near the end of last season.

  17. where's clayton bigsby when you need him?

  18. Very simple resolution put him in the wall at 195mph boom see yaaa bubba

  19. My wife and I are done with NASCAR. I think all of the track owners should tell Nascar to go away and invite any teams that want to race to come over to a new, not over regulated race venue. We know al lot of people that feel the same way and I hope this spreads like wildfire.

  20. WTF kind of name is 'bubba', for black or white? Yuck!

  21. Ho hum. Another day at the races. They go around and around but end up just where they started.

    (Yes, the double meaning is intentional.)

  22. Hey NASCAR,
    You keep pissing off your fan base and it's going to cost you big time!
    I am surprised that Richard Petty would go along with such bullshit!
    Politics has NOTHING to do with RACING!

  23. Awesome, please do boycott NASCAR. Stupid "sport" to begin with. NASCAR fans can honor the Confederate flag by tucking tail and going home ;)

  24. Suppressed iconography and imagery only becomes more imbued with meaning and significance to their beholders. They are better dismissed tolerated and ignored.

  25. Revolt fly the flags anyway..cant kick everyone out!!! Is this not a 1stA RIGHT being voilated!! They can fly the BLM racist flag, the luciferian rainbow flag, upside world with the hypocrite left leading the charge..

  26. Another redneck who's EMBARRASSED of being White. Trying to show everyone he's not a RACIST. Well buddy you FAILED. For you to go to this length to prove your not. Proves you are. MORON. I hope someone puts you into the wall every race.

    1. He's not White 9:00. Apparently you know nothing about what you're commenting on Pal.

  27. I. Wonder how much he is being bribed to do this ??Every person has his price for his honor and integrity.

  28. If the confederate flag has to be done away with, then the race car should not be allowed in with Black Lives Matter plastered on it.

  29. He should be denied the running of his BLM car at all racetracks

  30. Darrel "Bubba" Wallace should try driving a cab and he can decorate it with whatever he wants.

  31. Enforcement in the infield will be interesting.

  32. Just another person that's bad at his sport using whatever he can to get a trophy.

  33. I thought that the Confederate flag represented an enemy of the United States. Are swastikas next to be revered, or are they already ?

    1. That right .... you thought.
      But you didn't read.

  34. Watched the race Wednesday night. SO much coverage of Bubba and his car throughout the race.

    A weekly non-factor who drives for the King of NASCAR and biggest Southerner of them all - Richard Petty.

    Figure that one out!

  35. 8:27 - this is not a first amendment issue. Government is not restricting your speech. You buy a ticket, you follow the owners rules, or you are out.

    And for everyone up in arms about this, please don’t worry. The true confederate flag is the one flown with one lap to go.

    1. o-u-c-h!! Very good point

    2. @2:09 next they'll say we're making reference to the Klan because of using a white flag

  36. Put him in the wall

  37. If you pour a bag of Skittles in the toilet and flush you have the same effect.

  38. Just another confused "milk dud". Still struggling with the mental health issues, I guess he's favoring his mother's black heritage this week. He'll be out of racing in less than 5 years at best I guess he had to think about a future job

  39. Bye Bye Nascar. You caved to one black racists so now all you will have is his black a$$


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