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Thursday, June 25, 2020

Mystery person in Alan Dershowitz's defamation case against Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre begs judge to block the release of cache of documents that expose pedophile's elite social circle

A mystery person in the Jeffrey Epstein scandal begged a federal judge today not to turn over a trove of confidential papers listing some of the dead pedophile's closest associates to the celebrity attorney Alan Dershowitz.

The bombshell papers are part of a historic defamation case that Virginia Giuffre, previously known as Virginia Roberts, brought against the warped financier's alleged madam and facilitator, Ghislaine Maxwell.

The cache is subject to a historic protective order but Dershowitz argues it contains depositions and materials crucial for his own defense as he battles Giuffre in a separate, ongoing defamation case.



  1. Expose all, no one should be above the law. I don't care who they are or who they know.

  2. He said Clinton was never on the plane or on the island. Good lawyer

  3. Those documents will likely be destroyed, perhaps openly and arrogantly because you are not factoring in Two Sets of Laws.
    How in the hell is there a "mystery person" in a lawsuit???

    Looks to me like there are going to be some new additions to the list over 30 people who have been murdered, killed in car or plane crashes, killed on lonely country roads at night, robbed and killed (but never missing any valuables), or have killed themselves, in the circle of Clinton associates.
    What did they all have in common?

    They were ALL about to testify or write a book about the Clintons.

    Not a single prosecutor has ever thought that was suspicious in any way. Maybe THEY don't want to get on that list?


    You keep cheering. Unreal.

  4. From what I have already seen - SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts name is on that manifest list!

  5. We know who they are. ALL DEMOCRATS.

  6. What they have on John Roberts is this. His child is adopted from another country. He did not follow the required procedure, which makes him eligible for deportation. If he doesn’t play ball, they will expose the truth.

  7. Creepy Uncle Joe and his fondness for little girls is in those papers, he was a regular visitor along with the creepy Prince from the UK.

  8. Dershowitz is a fellow pedophile and, Epstein buddy. Of course he doesn't want the docs released because his name is all over those papers.


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