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Saturday, June 20, 2020

MS-13 under investigation for recent murders & attempts in Baltimore

BALTIMORE (WBFF) - A gang with strongholds in El Salvador is now under investigation for a recent series of murders and attempted murders in two jurisdictions in Maryland.

Police say the victims are teens.

Police say the notorious MS-13 gang could be responsible for teenagers stabbed in Baltimore City and Baltimore County with one girl dead.

Police found a body of a girl next to the railroad tracks in Highlandtown June 6.




  1. This is sad; I remember the days when taking the family to he inner harbor was a wonderful experience dining at Phillips. No more, wouldn't want to even take the chance.

  2. But the Baltimore people needn't worry...your city is defunding the police dept, so YOU can control the crime. It's gonna be bad.

  3. But these high class Democrats in Baltimore need those Sanctuary cities to make them more money for their coffers. If they cared as much about the American citizens they were elected to take care of instead of all the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS Maryland would be a great state but instead it is turning into a slum area just like Chicago.


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