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Sunday, June 14, 2020

More Thugs Rampage and Destroy Property In Ocean City Maryland


  1. The formally family friendly resort town...that need to request the National Guard and tear gas the streets unfortunately

    1. Get a new Ocean City Mayor and start taking these Thugs out , its hard to believe these moronic politicians are letting these evil turds destroy their cities , these thugs need to get ten years in prison and work release to help rebuild what they destroyed ,if you did this these lazy bums would stop the destruction and violence if they knew you would put them to work .

    2. Yes start with the Mayor!!!! Get the trash under control no matter what it takes. I'm a team OC all the way but after my experience this past weekend I ha6no desire.

  2. There should be a curfew in OC and police, state troopers and the National Guard in OC to put a stop to this it will only escalate every night if not done--there will be deaths.

    1. No there shouldn't. They are they problem. People should stand up and stop being punks and waiting for someone to save you.

    2. You would get out of your car n stop them from jumping on it? Yea ok

    3. Its not about being saved. Its about taking control and taking back something wonderful that belongs to so many families. If you want people to start just handling things its gonna get ugly. The middle aged group is fed up with the trashy entitled spoiled brats.

    4. I wouldn’t got out of my car but I sure as hell would’ve floored it

  3. Unfortunately Ocean City’s approach will be “Nothing to see, keep on moving”. The lack of drawing the lines the past five years is now playing out. Many friends of ours from outside the area have planned to spend more and more time in OBX the past two years even while having second homes in OC.

  4. Good ol’ peaceful protestors, bunch of stupid animals

    1. They weren’t protesters

    2. They weren't protesters. Stupid kids that come down for senior week like they do every June. Are you new?

    3. Your racism is showing

    4. Well it’s not racism it’s fact looks like most of the out of control crowd were of color. C’mon get real racism showing. Pathetic. Take accountability. I am sick of this.

    5. "racism showing" is the real description of the boardwalk violence

    6. It’s blacks. Period.

    7. Worst vacation ever, these thugs took over the boardwalk. Foul mouths, disrespectful and looking for a fight. It’s pathetic and quit with the racism shit, I’m calling it like I saw it, it was the blacks causing trouble, provoking the police cause BLM Matters and that apparently gave them a bit of stupid courage. Grow the f#*! Up.

  5. I took 2 family members there., they had never been , 6’8 and 6’7 feet tall and in our 30’s ... not petit guys and can fight... even they said about 9pm .. lets leave its not safe for us anymore.. All it was at that point was large groups of mostly minority teenagers .. yelling and cursing and bumping into each other.. my brother looked at me and said “well, I never need to do OC again” it embarrassing and I learned my lesson about OC

    1. 12:20 its good to have street smarts. Nothing happens to juveniles and they all know it.

    2. It’s senior week. It’s a bunch of rowdy high school kids. Stop allowing people to rent to unsupervised teenagers.

    3. It's OCs Cash cow. June Bugs pay and don't end up staying the entire week. OCs mindset of a win win.

    4. I have never felt uncomfortable anywhere. I don't get intimidated and I was done on the boardwalk after 8. I asked my husband to walk the street because I felt uneasy. The amount of straight trashy people and the amount of actual trash everywhere and the fact nothing was being done. It was not just the Junebugs. I can deal with some of them. This was trash. A guy in front of us on the boardwalk was snorting coke out of some ecig looking thing and a group of men not boys men blaring disgusting vulgar music out of speaker as big as a suitcase at bar levels with little kids and older people. Worst experience in 45 years!

    5. It is during, not durning. And it is worse. We went June 26 and a kid spit on my brothers foot, pretended he spoke spanish (his wife is Peruvian) and all he said was “do you speak spanish” “much good” and walked away, brought a “witness” back (to cheer this kid on) and in our group of 7 people, called my brother a racist as he was washing his biracial 5 yr old daughter’s legs from being in the sand. He wanted to “f**k him up” for being racist to latin people. We literally thought we were being punked.

    6. It is during, not durning. And it is worse. We went June 26 and a kid spit on my brothers foot, pretended he spoke spanish (his wife is Peruvian) and all he said was “do you speak spanish” “much good” and walked away, brought a “witness” back (to cheer this kid on) and in our group of 7 people, called my brother a racist as he was washing his biracial 5 yr old daughter’s legs from being in the sand. He wanted to “f**k him up” for being racist to latin people. We literally thought we were being punked.

  6. We have reservations for a week in July to spend time relaxing in a quiet place. We might cancel.

    1. For your own safety it would be wise

    2. A good old fashioned senior week blowout. A party gone out of bounds. Stop trying to make a political statement out of it.

    3. This is the inner city Thug brigade..not a bunch if innocent high schoolers!

    4. No need to cancel plans in july. It's painful to see but there were a couple episodes similar to this in the 70's but died out. You're right though, OC's administration needs to take control of these situations before they happen

    5. Yes cancel your plans and live in fear. My god people

    6. My family and I were there a few years ago for our yearly vacation in July and experienced a similar first few days of our week. It was due to some advertised college party weekend. Kids sleeping in the back of pickup trucks.Violence and destruction and rowdy crowds gathered on the boardwalk . I watched some get hauled away in a police van from my balcony dor selling marijuana on the boardwalk..

      The woman we rent from was sitting on her front porch when some young girl walked right by and while she sat peacefully enjoying the evening this girl reached into her garden and ripped out her flowers.

    7. Been down here since 6/20 and am disappointed. The OC of my youth is gone and now its all trashy ghetto rat people. Lots of idiots smoking pot in parks and on the beach not far from kids tons of dumb people cussing even in front of small children and a lot of really filthy rap music blaring all the time. Not family friendly at all and don't understand why no one cares about the rampant marijuana use that constantly goes on, you can't even take you kids to a playground because someone is there smoking pot. Sad. Probably won't vacation here anymore.

  7. Where are the police? Usually OCPD is everywhere for every minor infraction.

    1. Where do you think they are? Either the Mayor's told them to stand down, or the cops themselves are standing down, because no matter how they handle the situation, things are SO TOXIC now, why would a cop risk their reputation, or life confronting these punks

    2. Plus they do not want to be tomorrow's news. Yep yep

    3. The cops are there but ignoring the situations. So true these are not high school seniors just partying. They are thugs

  8. Turning it into Virginia Beach ....

  9. 12:31- I don't think you need to cancel. It is always bad this week in June every year, it's just on steroids and all time time bad. I think in July you will be fine.

  10. cops are only out during the day to hand out tickets for riding bikes on boards after 11 00 fact

    1. Hope that’s sarcasm because just not true inless you give them attitude or a habitual offender..

  11. I would have kept right on driving. You get on my shit you gonna take a ride on it. I don’t care what age. Act a fool you gonna treated as such. Let’s see if you can fly!!

    1. Same.
      A cop a protester, a deer a thug, a psycho, woman alllll will be going for a ride with me

  12. Is there Systematic Racism in this Country? Yes...caused by the Democrats in the Government. Are all people racist? No...Are there both white AND black racists? Yes...but ALL THIS! All of this looting and rioting...is what's causing more racism and they only have themselves to blame! It's going to cause everyday, happy go lucky, accepting of everyone people to start hating! Ridiculous.

  13. Hey sheriff ARREST Meehan and prettyman for failure to up hold the Law.

  14. This is what the senior weeks bring!

  15. So OC cancels bike week and the car cruise and look what they get.

  16. Does anybody know if they are ok? I thought about going down there but didn’t I’m so glad I didn’t. I don’t know what they did if anything to deserve this but I hope those thugs get the maximum time allowed!

    1. Should get the maximum lead you can spray

  17. Typical it is time for about a hundred local white guys set up and meet them with a warm old Eastern Shore Welcome. Ocean City has become a shit hole and I will never spend a dollar in any community that will not police a situation like this one. This false information that Whites are hunting these idiots down is part of the Democrats plan to crush America as we know it. Way too many White folks are sitting at home watching CNN. This will not stop until we make it stop. No amount of common sense will prevail here. Blacks are killing Blacks by the thousands every year and you will not here one Black Pro athlete speak or kneel on this matter. Enough is enough.

  18. I saw a video today from facebook of boardwalk last night of what coukd have easily turned jnto a murder .. A group of 100 or so mostly black kids on boardwalk last night behaving very similar , surrounded and beat a white kid unconscious then kicked him in the head while he wad out cold and then before they left him alone the wrnt through his pockets , they grabbed anither ehite kid tryingvto help the one that was beat and they swarmed him , beat him and stripped him naked before he coukd flee .. tight before the video ended they all scattered like roaches when tutrn loghts on ., I assume police showed up finally . Long story short is im pretty sure the white kids did nothing to george floyd nor did Have sny affiliation with cop that killed him .. this here wad a hate crime short an simple .. OC IS NOT SAFE ANYMORE ..

    1. Never has been people

    2. This is the video I saw from the weekend before. I have been seeing it and seeing it in my mind for days. Does anyone know if these boys are ok?

  19. This is senior week for kids that we’re trapped in doors for 3 months. The police should have been there

    1. You think these kids stayed home for 3 months. Lol These are the kids that didn't listen. They have no been stuck in their houses.

    2. What on earth does kids having to stay inside, even remotely have to do with these thugs? Yes plan out thugs!!! No proper upbringing!

  20. Thay dont do that sh!!!! In fl thay know every one got a gun and stand your ground law ,that what md needs

  21. This stuff never happens in Ocean City...…..the one in New Jersey.

  22. I owned a business in downtown OC in the late nineties and June was always unruly with junebugs but this is ridiculous. Come on mayor and OCPD do your job. The world is watching.

    1. Oh come on...Rickie only stocks up on LEOs when events (adults with money) are in town. He can't even figure out the non existent H2Oi folks either (no cops)... Look at past videos.

  23. Adolph Hogan and Meehan wanted this and they got it. Hitler, aka Hogan, and his Third Reich allows this destruction and violence

    The Police were probably given a stand down order or they don't want Monday morning quarterbacking suing them for doing their job.

  24. Oh my Rickie.....national news coverage in 3....2....1

    Family friendly my ass. And none of you thought this wasn't going to happen after no graduations and nothing truly open.

    Shame shame old mindset.

  25. This is not a peaceful protest. And where are their masks and social distancing practices. OC needs to be shut down for the summer. Block the bridges and the road from Fenwick and ck ids to make sure they are local or property owners.

    1. If the bridges are blocked how will the you locals "as you like to be called" get to walmart?

  26. brookebutler47abc has asked permission to use this guy's videos on tonight's broadcast(also asking for interview). I hope 47ABC tells it like it is and does not "spin" this to something like "Black teens blowing off steam". #storyateleven...

    1. 47 and 16 spin everything to keep democratic mayors happy just look at coverage of salisbury mayor's wife's charges of buying drugs hardly a mention our local news is pro Democrat and in there pocket

  27. OC has been on the decline for years now and it's only getting worse. I dont want to see a bunch of drunks, fight, and uncivil, Baltimore City like behavior and crime. I go on vacation to get away from that misery! Hard pass.

    1. Amen. All the OC leaders care about is making money.

  28. Used to be called June bugs now they are called June thugs.

  29. Welcome to liberal America.

  30. Never would happen in Wildwood NJ. That's why we go there. Been done with OC for 10 years now. Never going back. Why?? So my family can become a victim. While the powers that be do nothing.

  31. What happened to the "were on board with the peaceful protest and in talks to the organizers of it"? 🤔 keep the rif raf out. You can lead and not follow the other sheeps. Protect your residents and businesses its that simple.

  32. Nothing but animals.

  33. Time to round these idiots up and feed em to the hungry sharks!

  34. Assholes should be put in a cell see how they like a cage. Blocking innocent people that are just trying to get by in there car. This is so sad OCMD has been going down hill for a few years now. If I had one wish it would not be money, nor anything for just me it would be for the country to stop the hate!

  35. Remember when Ocean City's biggest problem was if a woman showed a nipple?

    1. Street performers getting primo spots AND cab medallions.....oh how far we have come.....errrr....fallen.

  36. The cops allow this and the crap at H@OI to go on it's a bit embarrassing to say the least grow some balls, break out the tear gas and rubber bullets....

  37. It looks like an episode of Jerry Springer. Maybe Ocean City should hire Jerry and his crew to keep them in line.

    1. Jerry is a fake judge and has been a mayor

  38. They are filming and know they are being filmed. Social Media has reduced Warhol's 15 minutes of fame to a minute and a half. Everyone wants attention everyone wants to be a Kardashian the POTUS himself can't resist the attention. Forget the COVID shut downs this nation needs a media time out people and their ideas think they are far more important than the realities at hand. This Cult of look at me respect me listen to me has just gotten out of control don't people have better things to do ?

  39. OCPD has more than 20 members making over 100G all sitting in the office looking at the cams I guess.

  40. What in the sam hell is going on around here. OC is reduced to a zoo. No Thanks.

  41. Would defunding the police help?

  42. We are just lucky this hasn't made it on national tv
    that will ruin OC tourism

  43. NO, it will NOT be better in July. Not in July, August or Sept. Go somewhere nice where you don't take your life in your hands and be afraid the whole time. Take the family to a nice family oriented resort or vacation spot Anywhere but OC !! It's an awful place and verrrry expensive.

  44. To 5:28 Why don't you go down to the boardwalk late at night and see how you enjoy yourself with just "a good old senior week blowout"?

  45. That's ok Salisbury University will stand behind them

  46. This is a doctored video. Ocean City is a Family Resort. This would never happen there.

  47. I have lived in the summer in Ocean City for 34 years the June bugs were never this bad they’re not June bugs asked any of these kids if they just graduated and I bet half of them haven’t there over age get the police on board and get them arrested

  48. Call in the Red Necks to protect OC !!!!!

  49. Coming soon to a neighborhood near you. Enjoy that defunding, jackasses!!

  50. Don’t know who believes the lies that nothing bad happens in Wildwood NJ....but you should make sure that the internet is down so we can’t fact check that lie.....BLM protest and fights as a result....and I wonder why all these cars with Jersey plates are in Maryland if its such an upstanding place???? Somebody’s nose was growing! One of those things that make think uuummm...LOL

  51. They just kids venting n enjoying the liberty of graduating though they a lil out of control Delmarva stop trying to put us on the map with the negativity of the blm movement of the looters n so forth it’s not the same as in major cities

    1. I call bullchit

    2. Sport, that is not letting off steam. It is malicious destruction, taunting, and intimidation. Do yourself a favor and stay away. We don’t want your trash around us.

  52. 1236 - brutality with gangs are ok in your world?

    Hows bout lil out of control on yo arse n so forth?

    Maybe a bit of WOR/WIC free college would help clear your reality.

  53. Why would anyone want to go there when the Jersey shore is about same distance with less traffic

    1. Yes, everyone please go to nj and not here for vacation.

  54. Black and white, lots of these kids are from Philadelphia, Jersey, Pittsburgh, Wilmington and West Virginia, just ask them.

  55. I am so glad we sold our ocean front property in this town, we had a 3 bedroom condo in the Carosel for 12 years. Democrats will never get it, they are too busy drinking CNN koolaide. I will never go back into The Peoples Republik of Maryland again. You people can enjoy the riot BS by your racist blacks.

  56. Ocean City police department has no leadership none of these incidences of crime where are handled by the police where were the police it appears they're told not to show up until after the person or people have been severely attacked Ocean City has no leadership after so many criminal attacks you would think that the police would be concentrated between Division and 16th Street on the boardwalk it appears the mayor is complacent with leadership who I understand patronizes secrets more than the criminal activity on the boardwalk where are the police

  57. Cattle farmers? Have any angry bulls to let loose? OC running of the bulls. You know city people are afraid of anything on four legs.

  58. Read 1st Cor.13-11 is the baseline for such behaviors.

  59. And now video of tear gas.

    Good grief

  60. "Running of the bulls" Best idea I've heard yet. Money maker for OC too. Do it north to south, and run 'um into the ocean at the Channel. Beats the pony swim. Make it a "rioter's swim". International TV coverage. World would be laughing at the wet rioters.

  61. THUGS is what they are. Nothing more.

  62. The guy who was beaten over the head with a rack
    on the Boardwalk has sadly passed away.

  63. Northwest Woodsman: Everyone of you posting here deep down and getting past your politically correct indoctrination knows exactly who is responsible for the violence problems in Ocean City and I can assure you that it will increase in intensity if you don’t stop it in its tracks. Do something even if it means enticing biker gangs to clean up the problem that police refuse or are ordered to ignore. Why are we, still the majority in the country so afraid to act. Sitting on your hands and ignoring it is not an option.

  64. Time to vote that damn mayor out if he is not going to protect people or property. This absolutely ignorant. These idiots have no idea how childish they look. If the mayor and police will not intervene the people have a right to protect themselves and their homes and city. And not one damn thing the mayor or police can do. Vote that a-hole out. Teach him you will not put up with his cowardice.

  65. Maybe we the people can dock the mayor and police a months salary. After all WE do pay them.


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