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Monday, June 01, 2020

Minnesota gov blamed right-wing 'white supremacists' for violence — now the truth comes out

Minnesota leaders also claimed the protesters were not local residents

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, a Democrat, pinned responsibility for the violence in Minneapolis on right-wing "white supremacists" and drug cartels on Saturday. Walz, along with Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey (D) and St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter (D), also blamed the violence on out-of-state, professional agitators — not local residents.

New evidence, however, show their claims are not true.

According to KMSP-TV, the "overwhelming majority" of those arrested in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area over the last several days were in-state residents.



  1. He never said instigators were out of state. The article you linked to said as such. He said they were non-local, meaning people from the suburbs and other parts of the state came into the city. He also never claimed white supremacists caused the violence and rioting. Why are you so quick to defend white supremacists?

    1. Your a dog face lying pony soldier

    2. Did you NOT click on the actual "links" with tje story?? Why are YOU so quick to defend BLACK & WHITE ignorant thugs? Burning, looting business' that have NOTHING to do with this, and have done NOTHING to those animals...Huh?

  2. THIS is why we all have such distrust in elected officials! Instead of immediately getting in the trenches, with the authorities, and implementing cohesive, effective responses to the violence, looting, etc, today, our elected officials place blame randomly, thus creating more division. They're more concerned with pacifying their voting base, and using the same tired talking points of racism, while at the same time trying to portray the THUGS as oppressed victims. Welcome to "Identity politics" where you're either victim or oppressor! If you really look closely, WE (law abiding citizens, tax payers, business owners, etc) are the victim, and THEY (Elected officials, media) are the oppressors! WE'RE tired of this!

  3. This POS also forgot to tell you his DAUGHTER was leaking info to protesters about the National guard ARREST THE BITCH.

  4. If they were white supremacists, they wore make up. Most of the videos show black and brown skinned people running from stores carrying lamps, tvs & air fryers. When he claimed white supremacists were protesting police brutality in the death of a black man, i knew he was lying.

  5. Time to LOOT the Hood lol #Nothingfound.

  6. The death of George Floyd has turned into a joke. It was never anything other to them then an excuse to riot, steal and destroy

  7. His daughter was caught tipping them off.....says a lot.....just like Debasio’s daughter in NY arrested!! Idiots want to blame the President, you better wake up and see where the problem actually is!! Trump / Pence 2020!!!!!!!

  8. I've never seen the N word being used so much on social media in my life then it's been the past 2 days and it's coming from the white woke virtue signalers. One woman last night in Santa Monica used the word 10 times cussing them out this right after a post from less then a week ago was the song Everything is Beautiful playing in a montage of black children and young people living in the under served areas of cites.

  9. Please there are no such thing as a white supremacist and if there is it's as rare as a pink tiger. This is why they have to make up hate crimes. The supply of white supremacists outweighs their demand for them so they have to make up hoaxes all the time.

  10. Everyone Wags the Dog now.


  11. I'm sure Keith Ellison is going to make sure justice is done!

  12. Hope the My Pillow guy wins the election in Minnesota

  13. Left Wing Black Supremacist are behind the riots & Blame the Whites !!

    Waisting their time , because the it does not Phase the Good Blacks &
    Whites , who are Normal Law abiding citizens in America one bit !!!

    They can't start a Race War (like they want to) using Good People !!!


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