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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Minnesota AG Keith Ellison May Have Just Screwed Up Case Against George Floyd Cops

I’m no legal expert, but I wondered to myself if Keith Ellison hadn’t overcharged the cop who killed George Floyd. Now there’s someone much smarter than I who agrees.

Andy McCarthy, who writes for National Review, is a former federal prosecutor and has been a trusted guest on my radio show for the better part of 20 years. He believes Ellison might have just colossally screwed up his case against the cops. My words, not his. McCarthy called Ellison’s amended charges “dangerously flawed.”

Overcharging is tantamount to over-promising. It’s perceived as overly punitive and less thoughtful in some cases. Sure, everyone’s angry. Sure, Floyd’s death appears to be criminal. But you’ve got to be able to prove what you charge.

Ellison may have just Peter Principled himself out of this prosecution.

Police officer Derek Chauvin took a knee on the neck of George Floyd for nearly nine minutes. The hold on his neck, not part of any police training, killed Floyd. Floyd, who had drugs in his system and a heart condition, panicked and couldn’t breathe.



  1. If it's a jury trial it won't matter.

  2. That Muslim, Keith Ellison is too stupid to be an attorney, much less a state prosecutor.

  3. Ellison knows exactly what he is doing. Imagine what would happen if these officers somehow beat the charges or get light sentences. More cities looted and burned. I wouldn't be surprised if they have some pro police finding in this case in October.

  4. Either way. After the trial. There will be a second wave of looting, rioting and destroying...

  5. I hope the cop walks. What are they going to do?? Riot??

    1. Sure can't burn burnt buildings

  6. Since there is mounting evidence it was a drill (Psyop) I would say yes, he overcharged.

    1. 7:04
      I agree 100%
      Plus they have a completely different guy in jail so they case will be quietly thrown out. The police character from the murder Psyop is probably back home in Texas enjoying his crisis actor paycheck.

  7. I hope he gets off. Poor Floyd's situation has been exploited in so many ways. And not for him. All Shady Sharpton did was talk about himself, and reap in the money.

  8. Well here locally you get so many charges that even any plea still gets you jail time!

    Examples; Theft over $500, Theft scheme, Conspiracy to commit larceny, he had a pocket knife so hit him with Possession of Burglary tools, concealed weapon,

    Just about any crap they can come up with so when the Deal is made most are "Stet" but one. So guy still gets time and prosecutors office still has a 100% conviction rate.

  9. Just like Baltimore. If the idiot had kept charges where they were there would have been conviction, no question. But again, just like Baltimore, and trying to right the wrongs from the days of lynchings in one fell swoop, overcharging will perhaps lead to conviction but with lesser penalty.

  10. Uhhhhh 538 - remember the OJ verdict???

  11. They did this on PURPOSE so when he is found Guilty of MANSLAUGHTER we will have RIOT II


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