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Friday, June 05, 2020

Minneapolis City Council president, Dem Jeremiah Ellison claim they'll 'dismantle' police

Jeremiah Ellison, a Minneapolis city councilman and son of state Attorney General Keith Ellison, is calling for the "dismantling" of the Minneapolis Police Department following days of nationwide protests over the death of George Floyd -- and he soon got the support of the City Council's president.

"We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department," Jeremiah Ellison tweeted Thursday.

"And when we’re done, we’re not simply gonna glue it back together. We are going to dramatically rethink how we approach public safety and emergency response. It’s really past due."



  1. They have all lost there minds! TDS is rampant among demoncrats.

  2. Lol 🙏 Because it will cause MASS violence in a Demo state 🙏

  3. Good luck. If they thought they had problems before, just wait until they do this.

  4. He is a proven member of ANTIFA. WTF you liberal idiots think you can handle it without police presence good luck! Minneapolis will be the next San Francisco, nothing but liberal garbage and chaos

  5. Ellison crowd purrr trash. Whole tribe of them.

  6. In the mean time keep your powder dry folks its gonna get interesting when the crimnals start to drop.. Maybe if the African American communities started to clean up their act and their enclaves of the carnage then maybe would have some faith that they can matter!!otherwise it's hypocritical any irrrelevant to the current situation. But see this is not a GOD driven change. Its luciferuan based and doomed to failure.

  7. Police force there should just go on strike. The fire department should join their fellow brothers. Just let the whole town burn to the ground in the lawlessness that follows. That is what they want anyways.

  8. It will be just like the south side of Chicago. The police have pretty much abandoned that area.

  9. The last time Minneapolis had a Republican mayor, Richard Nixon was in the White House.

  10. For the last 8 years, the Minneapolis police department has been run first by a Native American, female, lesbian, and now by an African American man.
    The female police chief resigned after the murder of an unarmed white woman (who had called in a crime in progress in her neighborhood) by an African American police officer. (no riots)
    Now we have a white officer killing a black suspect during the tenure of an African American police chief. (riots)

    Why haven't the problems with their police force been fixed by the last 8 years of minority control??

  11. Maybe they should check with the fine citizens of Baltimore to see what happens when you reduce the authority of the police department to basically school crossing guards

  12. Everyone will flee that city that already hasn't.

  13. Cops should get the “blue flu” for a couple weeks; watch the poop hit the fan.

  14. The sad and unfortunate thing about the rioters and looters is while they demand a fair shake is taxpayers and hard working Americans still have to feed, clothe, and provide lodging. It’s been a couple hundred years. When do they grow up?

  15. Let them dismantle it.


    Chaos will ensue and the destruction will be massive. But they are democrats, so no big deal.

    Then, BEFORE a single cop is sent back into that hellhole, make Ellison call every TV station within 500 miles to broadcast him on his knees, BEGGING for the police to return and apologizing to all the black families he was directly responsible for harming. Make him unequivocally state for the camera's that he has no clue about anything to do with civil order.

    Buy guns and ammo, people. It ain't getting better.

  16. The home of MyPillow. I think I will keep the one I have.

  17. 🍻 here’s to hoping it happens. It’ll be fun to watch them destroy their own city. Be careful what you wish for people.

  18. And they should Dismantle the POLICE!!! Bunch of Hypocrites & Criminals themselves!!!

    1. The vast majority of police are honorable, and put their lives on the line for ungrateful, ignorant people like you, 9:15. Are YOU willing to walk out your door each day, knowing you could die in the line of duty? For people who disrespect them, insult them, hurt them... when your sorry butt is being beaten or robbed, no doubt you will be calling 911 begging for them to help you...you don't deserve their help... you bring shame upon yourself with your disgraceful comment.

    2. 11:10 Well said. 9:15 would be the first one calling 911 when he needs help.🙄

  19. The real truth is police have never been able to protect you; the chance of them being able to respond to a call in time to save you is very low- arm yourself. Effectiveness of the police force is dependent on the premise that most of the citizens are law abiding to begin with; if they aren't then we do not have police in sufficient numbers to stem the tide, particularly as lethal force has been taken off the plate. Race and the murder of Mr. Floyd have been used as a tool to begin a socialist revolution; that is why you see white college students rioting & looting alongside blacks who are angry & seeking justice. The white students are angry too because it turns out you actually have to strive to succeed once you graduate. We have raised a spoiled, selfish generation that expected to immediately graduate, have a new car, a new house and travel without considering it took their grandparents all of their lives to acquire these things and some of them not even then. I have two daughters who have both graduated college and are now in the process of obtaining their graduate degrees. EVERY employer they had when they started working summer jobs in high school called me to tell me how amazing they are. I would like to think they are amazing because I'm their mother but the truth is I was being called & commended because I raised children who actually did the job they were hired to do! What? SMDH people.

  20. Northwest Woodsman: Please defund the Minneapolis Police Department. It will be extremely entertaining to watch the chaos and anarchy that will result in its wake. After given the opportunity to work with the violent rabble, I’m sure that psychologists and social workers are fully capable of creating a cooperative paradise with birds singing and unicorns roaming fields covered in wildflowers. I can’t wait to watch, from a distance of course.

  21. Northwest Woodsman: Just read the comments on this article and I must say, they are outstanding. With few exceptions, the people commenting on this blog appear to be highly intelligent and aware of the assault on our culture and civilization. Thanks to each of you as, in these bleak days, you partially restore my faith in at least some of our citizens.

  22. I say we disband the black gangs. Disband welfare. Disband plea deals. Disband rap music.


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