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Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Looting in Philly On Saturday


  1. City of brotherly love my ass

  2. Destroying the very economy that those seen in the video need to be taxed in order to fund their monthly welfare and unemployment checks.

  3. city of brotherly thugs!notice they stole everything except work boots,condoms,and fathers day cards!

  4. Parents with kids stealing - one nation my ass!

  5. Hey, if these Mayors, Governors, wanna support these "wanna be" Anarchists, then I suggest our Police and ALL 1st responders STAND DOWN for just 2-3 days...Then lets see Anarchy in action, then we'll see how everyone REALLY feels about it! Lets see how these MAJOR CORPORATIONS that always give in to the "cancel culture" feel. Lets see when the Governors mansion is in ashes, and the police stations are in embers. Lets see how Starbucks, Target, Nike add nasium respond to it then! Lets see what Hollywood and all its opinionated "elite" feel AFTER their mansions are burning! ...THEN tell US how it feels! I'm SICK of seeing First responders risking their lives for these IDIOTS....NO MORE!

  6. Right 10:01. Then when the services are cut in their neighborhoods they can't figure out why. I've given up worrying about it. I hate the saying you can't fix stupid but it had to be coined for them. They have historically done stupid things and have yet to put 2 and 2 together. My dog figured it out in no time flat and they can't? He learned quickly rewards come with good behavior.

  7. Northwest Woodsman: Watching the actions of looters in each of the cities where these attacks are taking place reminds me of videos that I have seen over the years of violent events in African countries. The same gleeful expressions on their faces as they loot and steal as well as the almost dancing motions as they run away with what prize they were able to grab. Please tell me what stealing a big screen tv has to do with mourning George Floyd. Most of these people have never heard of them but are thrilled to be able to engage in their favorite style of shopping.

    1. you get to watch yourself on the big screen

  8. WOW - speechless.

  9. Social distancing saves life.... whoops, wrong week I Meant to say riot, destroy assault murder in the name of justice.

  10. Need another leader like Frank Rizzo. You would see 30 buses rolling into the city. When they stopped. ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE. You wouldn't have all this BS you see today. It would be over before it started.

  11. No wonder they hit the city during the day. A huge group of protesters were on the interstate and got tear gassed by LEOs. That video was ridiculous. No LEOs in town so what do the bad folks do - loot loot and pollute!


  12. Typical city thugs...did anybody expect anything less? Take a look at Church st. in Salisbury. Trash everywhere...smh

  13. Watching the events of the past few days just reinforces my views on the subculture that lives among us all. Animals. They are the problem and have always been the problem.

  14. The COVID-19 masks are really convenient for concealing their faces!

  15. And the ones that vote in november will pull the lever for biden FYI...

  16. 12:17 We NEED a mayor Rizzo today. I was a kid when he was chief. He handled the "move" group like our current mayors should.

    1. 8:19 we are showing are age. Lol. Yeah he and his brother. One Chief of police and Fire Chief. THEY PROTECTED US!!


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