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Monday, June 08, 2020

Liberals Are Out To Destroy America


  1. Preaching to the wall. Us decent people get this but what we are dealing with are others who are an immoral people. People who for generations now have not ever had a moral person in their lives.
    I really don't care anymore. God will have the last word with them and He is. Nothing happens by chance. Check your actions and see it they were pleasing to God.

  2. Amen. Funny how that works isn't it?

  3. Of course the tax collectors will treat us nice if we just pay the tax. The police are enforcing Statutory Laws against the people. Those are dictates. Kings issued Statutes. Don’t do this. Don’t do that. Arbitrary orders for their peasants.

    The US Constitution established Contract Law, Admiralty Law, and Common Law. Statutory Law is not Constitutional. The elites who control the US Government and its politicians don’t want us to read the Constitution. It is not taught in public schools. Hasn’t been for a long time now.

    Hence, we have a dumbed down illiterate population. The Leaders are psychopaths and criminals. The government is corrupt to its very core. It is much worse than most people believe.

  4. Ummm, what is wrong with this comment?

  5. But, but, but if there weren't any cops I wouldn't get caught or have a bad interaction with them. And then, when you take everybody's legal Guns away, I'll be the only one with a gun! As soon as I find out where this place is at I'm gonna borrow a car and go there!

  6. Defund it all please because it ain't gonna be pretty for the Tbugs Antifa.

  7. I don't know about you but I was taught to respect the police and follow the rules - yes sir, no stealing, no drugs, no assaulting anyone and definitely not killing any one. People who seem to have problems with the police don't show them the respect that they show be given as law enforcement. Of people didn't break laws we wouldn't need law enforcement. I love the progressives who want the police disbanded- if something happens call your neighbor or your pastor. YEAH RIGHT.

  8. Last sentence “chances of having a negative experience is greatly diminished if you don’t break the law”. Now that is the best advise I’ve seen here in a long time.

  9. "Chances of having a negative experience is greatly diminished if you don’t break the law”
    You also don't want to point out when they are breaking the law.

  10. Women with children and the elderly will never vote for a democrat who votes to defund the police and the democrat elites know this.

    1. Don't forget they stab fire hoses.

  11. "...greatly diminished..."


    NOT eliminated, but greatly diminished.

    Which is fine, except to the people who DIDN'T do anything wrong (remember "stop and frisk"), or anything illegal but still somehow got caught in the crosshairs of a cop like Chauvin.

    It could cost you your life.

    So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop saying that really stupid BS.
    Just because you never do anything wrong (you perfect little thing, you), DOES NOT always keep you alive when "interacting" with people who CAN and WILL put 16 rounds into you because you scared them. Just scared them.

    Keep cheering.

    1. Awe. Another idiot liberal who got pulled over and began running his police state dribble. I guess you didn't cooperate and had a bad experience. DUH. I've been pulled over many times. Sure you get an asshole cop who shouldn't be one. Thanks to his grandparents being a judge or politician. But as long as you keep your cool and cooperate. No problem. I even installed a camera in my vehicle. You can't see it. But it's there. Just in case. But for the most part if you don't fight, run, or argue when stopped. You'll be fine.

  12. It is the rights lack of brain function that causes statements like this. Police brutality as a WHOLE is what is being protested. Picking and choosing the most radical idiots utilizing a protest to cause mayhem is the easiest way for the right to ignore human rights yet again.

  13. I in no way agree with the way 4 police officers in Minnesota took part in the killing of Floyd. But not all blacks, whites, Hispanics, orientals are the same everyone is not racist. A wrong was done and needs to be handled with the highest level of punishment allowed. The police department in Minnesota needs to retrain their whole police force and anywhere else in the country that incidents happen. You cannot judge any entire group I agree with actions of some. It will be bad for any city or community that does completely away with their police force, when bad things happen the first call should remain 911 for police and other services, if you have ever faced threats which I have, had a break-in in your home, and shots fired at your home you will appreciate what I am saying. This all happened in Salisbury to us in the last 50 years, it can happen to you but I pray not. Don't let emotion stir the pot and make you loose sight of reality.

  14. 8:27....don't pay any attention to facts.

    Police have been militarized and taught that everyone not wearing a badge is a potential terrorist or possible killer.
    And, pay no attention to the THOUSANDS of video's of police beating and killing (remember the 12 year kid who the police rolled up on, jumped out and immediately shot the kid to death?) people mostly because they CAN.
    Someone SAID something they didn't like, and being trained to keep calm and cool under pressure, decided that the best course of action was to beat or kill someone.
    Every time (and they are few and far between, you goof) -- EVERY TIME -- I've ever had to deal with the police, I was calm and compliant, it DOES NOT negate the fact that being so, for other, has led to death and injury.
    Keep living in that dream world of yours.

    and. keep cheering.


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