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Thursday, June 11, 2020

Kamala Harris, calling for $150-million LAPD defunding, also used LAPD as her private security detail

A Los Angeles city councilwoman was exposed as a hypocrite for introducing a bill to cut $150 million from the Los Angeles Police Department budget, while maintaining an LAPD private detail at her home for herself.

Security for me, but not for thee, see. The leftist political elites always gets their takings first.

Guess who else is just as hypocritical.

Sure enough, Kamala Harris, Democratic vice presidential frontrunner, who's loudly endorsed these $150-million police defundings, supporting the idea, along with her political ally, Mayor Eric Garcetti, who was last seen calling the LAPD "killers."

Sen. Kamala D. Harris of California on Tuesday said she applauds Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti for his move to cut about $150 million from a planned increase to the city's police budget but that the ongoing push for law enforcement reform "doesn't mean we get rid of police."



  1. Harris is as disingenuous as they come.

  2. When a justice official makes statements like that there is no accountability in government.

  3. Defunding does not mean abolishing. It means taking money that the departments use for surplus military equipment (just one example) and reinvesting it in social programs that have a proven history of reforming people as well as into education. SO instead of gearing up to fight hardened criminals you educate and help people not become a criminal in the first place. CRAZY IDEA

    1. Sorry, most do not want an education and the rest are to lazy or stupid to learn

  4. All you have to do is listen when she spouts off and tell she is a failed law official.

  5. Yet she gets re-elected....WOW!


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