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Monday, June 22, 2020

Kaepernick's 49.2 QB Rating Is Why He's Out of the NFL

The pampered mobs who have taken over Seattle and portions of other liberal dumpster-fire cities have been flailing about for a leader whom they can crown as King of the #Resistance. The Idiot Dictator in charge of the National Football League and his suddenly woke players seem to want that figurehead to be one of its more spectacular failures, former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick.

Kaepernick hasn’t been in the league for a few years now but the woke mob keeps him in the national conversation. Nike made Kaepernick a constant presence via finger-wagging advertising that transformed him from failed quarterback to martyr, which is probably the job he really wants.

There is a lot of speculation that Kaepernick really doesn’t want to be back in the NFL, he just wants to be the guy who gets to whine about being kept out of the NFL.

The conversation focusing on Kaepernick long ago stopped being about his football skills. The prevailing politically correct narrative is that he was drummed out of the NFL because he was kneeling in protest during the National Anthem before each game. Anyone who suggests otherwise is immediately branded a racist.



  1. The NFL really got themselves in a mess. If they don't allow him to play they risk total racial warfare. If they do allow him to play they risk losing 90% of their fans. They should stick to their guns and forget about him. He stinks as a player so just say so and be done with him.

  2. He's not a good QB. Then not only is he not very good. He's a Freaking POS RACIST. You pick our national anthem to disrespect and think your helping your RACIST cause. Why don't you teach the blacks not to fight or run from cops??.


  3. I've been following the NFL since before the AFL was formed and before the current commissioner was born. When these millionaires started to kneel and bleat I pulled back as the MSM and sports media made excuses for them, and then stopped actually showing the flag and field at the beginning of the games.

    When the self-retired QB came on the scene, he was elusive and helped his team...until defenses figured out how to contain him. At that point his star waned, and he eventually started picking up splinters riding the bench. That's when he kicked into kneeler mode, and a bunch of follower minds copied him. Now squish the commish wants some team to pump more money into his pocket and keep the drama alive.

    Today far too many Felons League players have both agents and bail bondsmen on speed dial, and I'm at the endpoint. A no game season is sounding better and better.

  4. Aside from what his personal beliefs/what he "thinks", he was a marginal QB at best. Thats it. He had a coach that got the best out of his players - San Fran got to the Superbowl and lost.

    NFL is a private business - if they choose to turn their back, thats fine. Now if there was discrimination - well those 32 old fucks and their commish will "pay" the price.

    Hmmmmmm something tells me the NFL will be paying and that old mindset will need a bit of corrective training to avoid things like this again. It is the 21st century and everyone gets butt hurt feelings.

    1. 68% of the league is black. Zero discrimination in the league. He sucks.

  5. Article is correct. Say what you want but he isn’t playing because he sucked. His stats had been declining for a while.

  6. This clown isn't down for the struggle. I haven't seen him near any of these protests for black lives matters riots. Too busy hiding

  7. Why don't we just forget about him!

    1. He was all but forgotten. Until Goodell has to make a FOOL of himself with comments like the NFL supports these RACIST douchebag.

  8. I hope the NFL goes bankrupt. It'll be a great lesson for them and anyone else who wants to ride the fence. As far as I'm concerned professional football in America is over and nobody even cares. The players should've just shut up and do what they're paid to do or walk away. They ruined it

  9. Taking a knee is an act of submission and only a coward does it

  10. He's not only a lousy QB, he's a lousy human being.

  11. 1212 - not unless I'm genuflecting when in church, which is out of respect and worship.

    outside of that specific - oh hell yes!!!!

  12. he is a Islamist piece of poop oh and lousy at playing ball to.


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