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Sunday, June 07, 2020

It Is With Great Displeasure I Announce I Will Not Be Reopening Caribbean Joe's Until Governor Hogan Lifts His Corrupt Order To Remain Restricted

We all saw and heard Hogans speech yesterday in which he allowed all businesses to reopen with the exception of bars and restaurants. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, there is NO MONEY to be made under Hogan's unconstitutional orders and I'll be damned if I'm going to buy everyone's food and drinks, pay for a full time Lifeguard and pay someone to test the pool water every two hours, (let alone all the chemicals) so everyone else can have a good time at my expense. 

Look, I'm being totally honest here, there is no way to make any money and I do not throw good money after bad money. I want you to also know tat there are several other bar/restaurant owners who are making the exact same decision. Don't think for a second that I haven't been to other bars and restaurants recently in which none of them were following the letter of the CDC law and NO, I will not say who. I applaud them for doing what they're doing and I truly wish them the very best this summer. However, after Governor Hogan and Attorney General Frosh came after Caribbean Joe's this past Mother's Day and threatened to throw me in JAIL if I in fact opened that day, I cannot and will not take the risk of some Anti Albero Clown "standing" and I get a $5,000.00 fine. I am a target with Hogan and Frosh's office and I absolutely plan on seeking the proper attorney to fight this mess.

All that being said, Hogan is purposely destroying our economy and forcing people to sit in parking lots, treating us like PIGS baking in the sun at 95 degrees for a "dining experience" my a$$. When these orders are lifted I will reopen my business. Until then, I will not be forced to lose money, period. 


  1. Please protect what is yours joe. Commie Corruption at its best

    1. Joe, It's all about your support for Trump

  2. If this bullshit doesn't prove that Hogan is corrupt and crazy then nothing will. Either someone has something really big on him and he is doing as he is told for fear of being sold out, or he is a Pu$$....

  3. Hogan is making the most out of his 15 minutes.I doubt he has ever had a business of his own.

  4. Wise move because I have no intention to go out til things are back to 100% normal and I'm sure I'm not alone.

    I"m NOT afraid of this flue BS, I go to socialize.

    It's plane as the nose on your face that some or many of our favorite places will NEVER reopen and that is CRIMINAL!

    1. @9:54 - You contradict yourself.

  5. Las Vegas casinos opened yesterday. You can go sit in a Las Vegas casino with strangers, exchanging dirty playing cards back and forth, but you cannot in Maryland sit in an indoor dining booth with you family. Hogan showed that he could not care less about his state.

  6. You are in the majority Joe. Many Marylanders have lost confidence in Gov. Hogan. There is no doubt that he clearly demonstrating poor leadership. In fact, he is follower, not a leader.
    Once again unless we the. People assert ourselves by letting him and our elected leaders know of our displeasure, nothing is going to change.
    He along with many others have got caught up in what I have no other definition for, other than brainwashing. I am dismayed as I travel about to see so many people that are demonstrating the very same behavior. And we wonder how Hitler brought a Nation to his philosophy.

  7. It's amazing how willingly business have surrendered their liberty and their livelihood . . . they ALL should have told the governor screw you, we'll open when ALL restrictions are lifted. Good luck Joe.

    1. Will you volunteer to pay their fines internet tough guy?

    2. The bogus fines are illegal

  8. Joe, also the Worcester county health department has been policing and harassing restaurants. They are no different than hogan.

  9. Some (If not most) of these politicians sell their souls to the devil to get elected.

    I think the devil is cashing in.

    1. But wouldn’t the devil want bars to be open? They are the source of uncountable sins.

    2. And a huge money maker. Which OC will not be for Annapolis this Summer.

  10. Has anyone noticed how nervous Hogan seems at these press conferences now? And he is gasping for air. How is that Carney can be so organized and Hogan so lacking with details or anything? Something very strangs is going on.

  11. It is complete and total bullshit!’ Hogan should have opened restaurants. Now all the people will go to Fenwick to eat. He is ruining our area. I really wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t put us all back in lock down after all these protestors test positive for stupid virus. Hang in there Joe.

    1. The protesters aren't going to get tested 10:57

  12. You are right. No restaurant can make money with seating capacity restrictions. You won't even break even. Most restaurants need full capacity a few hours a day just to break even. This is why a lot of the big chains are about to go on life support. Expect many of them to go under.

  13. Don't FORGET Folks, every bar/restaurant must close their doors by 10 PM on weekdays and 11 PM on weekends, that's a fact! Just another prime example of Governor Hogan's corruption.

    1. I guess the virus is more active after 10pm? Dumbest thing yet.

    2. Why? What is the reason for that? If you can only serve so many why restrict the time. It's not because covid is only out at night. Why limit the hours? Doesn't that make it more people in a short span of time. They are redistributing the money to the top 1%.

  14. If you can go work out in a gym, why can't you go eat? Isn't the gym way worse for catching covid? Just open things up and be done with it. If people don't want to go, stay home. We need antibities right? We can't stay home for ever. I was out yesterday and Salisbury is way past a phase 1. I don't see the numbers going up? Why can only certain people make the money? Just part of the plan, destroying small business.

    1. Gyms are not open for inside work outs

  15. U voted for him

    1. Not me 5:48, I left the governor box empty when I voted.

  16. Stop calling everyone “folks”. You sound like a creepy old man

    1. He is a creepy old man. I know a few girls and women who are grossed out by him.

  17. How will I go on with Caribbean Joes closed !?!

  18. 0 for 2 in the restaurant business aren’t you?

  19. Hogan is obviously a puppet. Why is he destroying Maryland- any clues? It is a shame 😒 politicians in Maryland are so power hungry.


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