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Saturday, June 06, 2020

In case you ever wondered what it looks like from the top of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge


  1. Ballz of steel!

    1. I climbed the whole way to the top with my registered hands. Replacing bulbs on the Golden Gate bridge tomorrow

  2. Ya know, that brings up a good question. I remember as a kid, like 45 years ago or so crossing the original bridge, and also them building the newer bridge. My question is, has anybody (other than me) noticed how the MUCH newer and more advanced Bay Bridge is ALWAYS being repaired, worked on, painted, etc, while the MUCH older one keeps chugging along. Yes, it gets maintenance and repairs, but it sure seems it requires MUCH less shut down time than the newer bridge. Its seems we have the same issues with homes, and condos etc. Had the skill levels dropped, or had the craftsmanship level decreased, or is the work going to the "preffered" contractor, regardless of skill level? Just asking

  3. Put in LED's and forget it for 10 years!

  4. Native Americans are known for having no fear of heights.They service the highest bridges on Earth without batting an eye.

  5. Northwest Woodsman: What is with the LL Bean style boots. They are more suited to the wet Pacific Northwest than on a bridge in Maryland. I have one pair of Ll Bean pacs and two made by Sorrell. Both are well suited for wet weather. By the way, I am a retired military aviator and just looking at the heights in that photo makes me dizzy and gives me sweaty palms.

    1. NW...is the seafood out in your parts good? Asking for a friend of course.

  6. Please tie your shoelaces

  7. Why the straps around the boots?

  8. Every time i cross the bridge i wish I could climb up there.

  9. I'd like to spend a night there.

  10. Northwest Woodsman: 8:45, Dungeness crabs are huge and delicious. We can pull up ten per day between the two of us During the season which runs from July to September. The salmon fishing is great too, however, I don’t have the patience for fishing.

  11. if you have ever been out west, you would find out that unless blue crab meat is brought in, you won't find it. Yes an abundance of Dungeness crab and they are good, but fear not you can find old bay.

  12. Bless your heart, No, not for me. I want my feet planted firmly on the ground or a floor of a plane.

  13. Wonder if his untied boots are OSHA approved.


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