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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

‘I just can’t take it anymore’: Tennessee officer posts emotional video about quitting amid unrest

WINCHESTER, Tennessee (WKRN) — A Tennessee police officer posted an emotional video on social media about the struggle many officers across the country are experiencing in today’s communities.

Saying the job is no longer what he signed up for, officer Dustin Elliott is hanging up his uniform after 10 years of service.

From “the nightmares” that come with the job to the fear of retaliation, Elliott said he has had enough.

“I just can’t take it anymore,” he said. “It’s an eerie feeling that you go anywhere and you feel like there’s a person following you.”

Elliott said there’s a real concern of never returning home to his wife and children.

“We get told all the time when you arrest somebody, wait ’till I get out of jail I’m going to kill you, I know where you live, I know who your family is. At some point you run across that one person that you feel like he means business,” explained Elliott.

“There’s a lot of sacrifices we have to make. There’s a lot of sacrifices our family has to make,” he said, tearing up. “Being married to a cop is probably one of the hardest jobs in the world.”



  1. City’s burning and Trump demands police reform. Huge mistake he played into and they no it. Violence will go up considering every single person are saying cops are bad. Noway cops are going to do the job and people will complain they take to long to get to a call.

  2. Ever been surrounded by enemies? Imagine feeling that 24/7.

    1. I can tell you know how that feels. I’m in that number too.

  3. The enemy is among us , say what ever you want , but it's so obvious that the black people want us to surrender all police so they can do what they want , I grew up in D.C. and the area I've watched it for well over 75 years , nothing has changed . I used to think I wasn't a racist now I know I am , because of the animal instinct the blacks have . I've been going to this blog since 2007 because of the truth it projects , I certainly hope it doesn't change . There many more blacks that are good people but many have gone way too far.
    I like my protection devices and all that goes with them . Bring it on I'm ready and waiting , looking forward to an interesting outcome , like the Bible says " the rivers will run red with blood ".

  4. I can't take it anymore ! Aunt Jemima AND Uncle Ben's gone with in hours in the same day. What's going to happen to my Cream of Wheat ? They were the only people of color in my cupboards. They were very comforting go too friends. Made me feel entitled.

  5. Boycott all businesses that support the blm/antifa causes. This is non-political.

  6. Boycott Quaker Oats, they own Aunt Jemima. Also, Mars Inc, they own Uncle Bens.
    Hit companies where it hurts. Their money!

  7. He signed up for immediate respect given not earned. Free everything. Free car gas insurance fast food coffee dam near everything. He signed up to get a do whatever you want badge. He signed up for whatever isnt free is heavily discounted. Thats why he signed up. Now he is quitting. Sounds good to me.

    1. That's not fair. Actually we have plenty of cops who got the job because of Mommy and daddy political connection. We all have seen them. I know one from HS. Biggest punk you ever saw. Grandpa was a judge and got him on MSP. He was the biggest screw up. Got caught running a 17 yo. Grandpa got him out of it. Then there some great township and county cops that would make outstanding MSP. But they don't have the political pull. I saw a MSP in Cambridge. He barely could see over the steering wheel. Who does he know??

    2. Your jealousy is shining as bright as your bull crap.

    3. 10:00
      One must enforce Statutory Laws against the people to become a police officer.

      Agree to become a modern day tax collector.

      The only people one needs to know are at the Blue Lodge. You need to join up and swear an allegiance to your brothers in secret. Then the rewards will flow!

      As Above, so Below

  8. Stop buying all Mars products. They make Royal Canin and Eukanuba, Greenies, and a host of other pet products. AND they own Banfield and VCA pet hospitals!

  9. Pet products 1032...what???

    Does Pets lives matter more than Humans?

    You do know in other countries Pets are part of the food chain....

    Wow this truly is Bizzaro World!

  10. All commentators: STFU, you do know that in the end, the very far end, that most companies are owned by a select 13 to 20 main parent companies right???? So if your goign to boycott, you better just end your life, becasue everything is owned by 20 or so companies in the end!!! Like how general mills owns most cereal brands and anything those brands own... It is like the alphabet company who owns google and various other companies that own other companies... Like Alphabet owns google, like google owns Motorola...

  11. I like how these idiots bad mouth the police and they have never set foot in a uniform in their pathetic lives. These are the same people that when the shit hits the fan call 911 and hide until the police arrive. As for all the free stuff police get are you still sniffing paint. There is nothing free in being a police officer. You been watching to many television shows. The courage these men and women display going out into this racist and liberal left world is amazing to me. I would not do it for any amount of FREE. Some people have backbones and some have wishbones police have backbones. I think police in every democrat run city that burned should call out sick. I am prepared for that so I do not worry about it. You Libtard cry babies will be the very victims these thugs prey upon. To all police out there keep your chins up and your heads down. God Bless those who pursue the wicked.


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