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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

How Tech Companies Can Steal Up To 15 Million Votes In 2020: YOU MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO


  1. This is why the high tech giants need to be regulated just like utility companies.

  2. You know they are going to wreck the election. I hope President TRUMP can get some honest AMERICAN loving companies to protect our Election..There is nothing the dumocrats won't do to win.

  3. You will one day say, "We waited to long to start the revolution".

    Our republic is a shadow of it's old self and "we, the people" are treated like the sheep we so anxiously want to imitate.

    Right in front of your eyes, DEMOCRATS are telling us that the election system is easily manipulated and NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW.
    Democrats are TESTIFYING UNDER OATH to that fact.

    No one is scared? Worried? ANGRY?!

    "We, the people" better get a handle on this now.
    Just kidding.
    It's too late for that now.

    We are at the mercy of about 6-7 billionaires with power that would make Genghis Khan or Stalin or Hitler look like beginners at destroying anything they want destroyed.

    Revolution. NOW.

    Or be resigned to slavery and manipulation and the surrender of every freedom we have ever known.

    Or do what most of you blind and ignorant sheep do so well ---- KEEP CHEERING.

    I suppose I just made ANOTHER government "list". No problem. Come and get me. Bring a lot of single men and women.
    A lot.


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