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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

HORROR! Far Left Mob Beat Christian Man WITH A STICK at St. Louis Statue After Prayer Service — THREE MEN BEATEN (VIDEO)

Last week the Gateway Pundit announced a prayer rally on Saturday at the iconic St. Louis Statue on Art Hill in Forest Park in St. Louis City.

The radical left wants the St. Louis statue removed.

Several priests showed up at the statue on Saturday to pray around the time of our rally.
One local priest was heckled and harassed while he tried to explain the history of St. Louis of France.

The mob threatened to take the St. Louis Cathedral next!

Local leftist activists planned a counter protest against the Christian prayer rally. They smeared our gathering as a KKK rally. Of course, their lies put our lives in danger.

Several families, local Christians, Catholics and Jews came to join our prayer rally on Saturday at noon.



  1. Radical left wing terrorist at it again I see...

  2. Is it Obvious to you as to what the real motive behind all of these hope and changes is really all about?

  3. if the kops and local political aholes wont put a stop to this bs! the citizens are going to eventually rise up and do it! only a matter of time!

  4. Mark my words- Christianity will be made illegal and Islam made mandatory if we DO NOT STOP THIS. Buy a gun. NOW.

  5. Let's hope all the protestors die of covid 19

  6. The annual March for Life began 46 years ago in Washington DC. The first year saw over 25,000 people March. Some years over 300,000 people have attended. In the entire 46 years altogether, there has never been as much violence as at the average BLM event.

  7. I carry my gun everywhere. Even to church. That will not happen to me or family. War is coming. Prayers for the Dead. It's coming people. Get your head out of the sand.

  8. Bad people never follow any rules.


  9. We need to start listening to each other, and actually communicating with one another. We need to stop talking past each other.

    We need to stop re-framing what other people are actually saying to fit our own narratives. We need to address what they are actually saying, and not turn it into what we want it to be about.

    Then, and only then, will we move forward. We are all Americans. All of us.

    1. Both sides need to listen the problem is the left only has their side and you are not allowed to go against it! They don't care on iota what others have to say, tote their line or get beaten!!

  10. 1:56 Agee! So tired of hearing we need to talk. It’s only going to work if both sides talk. The left and blm only want to place blame and make demands. But don’t want to address the problems with their culture. They don’t want to talk. Nothing will ever change.

  11. Start reading the Quran Christians, you will recognize truth and what God really ordained, not what Caesar altered to keep you slaves and persecuted. Every living thing on this earth has a right to self defense, do you think your creator barred you from fighting back or do you think maybe that emperor who was persecuting Christians might have altered the text to state it?

  12. @658 You should be so lucky as Islam will ensure you are free to be Christian and there won't be any government endorsement of abominations. The Quran states there is no compulsion in religion so everything you read about Christians being put to death for being Christian is absolutely 100% false. There is a war coming friend, Islam is not going to allow the world to be ruled by satanic homosexuals and their Zionist masters but as a Christian knowing what Jesus told you I have to question why you think the ones that openly stand against that are your enemies?

  13. @1:56 No the time for mutual discussion is over. The left are demoralized and indoctrinated Marxist incapable of recognizing truth. Unfortunately, they have to be destroyed.


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