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Thursday, June 04, 2020

Governor Hogan Is A Con Man, Here's Proof!!!!!


  1. During the Vietnam war the vietcong placed hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of landmines throughout the jungles of Vietnam. As a result, lots of American GIs suffered injuries to their groins. In an effort to restore functionality to these heroes, the leading scientists in Bethesda began experimenting with lab grown testicles. They were successful....to a degree. Things didn't entirely go as planned. One batch proved to be nothing but the scrotal sac. Due to the cell strain used it continued to grow. It has grown since the Vietnam conflict, married a South Korean, and became the govenor of Maryland. This giant nutless scrotal sac has determined that Md will stay shut down.

    1. Omg! That is the best ever!

    2. Scotum hogan Lol !!!! Now that's funny, I don't care who you are.

    3. Read it through the whole way. Nasty, but effective. We have a winner!

    4. Read every word, kudos! Bwahahahaha!!

  2. Why are you surprised?

  3. Been saying that. Hogan is using the Democrat tactics and following the path of Hitler's Third Reich and nobody believes me. It is called history repeating itself.

  4. Has anyone noticed that Nicole Acle, District 2 County Council candidate who is up for election in November to keep her appointed seat voted with the Democrats on every issue at the council meeting Tuesday night??

    As a conservative constituent in District 2, we are very concerned about her love affair with the Democrats. There are 5 family members who vote in our house and that could be enough to cost her the election. On Wednesday my family talked about this and we have decided that if she votes with the Democrats and against the Republicans one more time she will lose our vote. We live in a larger conservative neighborhood and this will be discussed very soon

    1. That's because she's afraid she'll lose in a Democtatic state. She'll do anything to keep her position even screw over her Constituents!

  5. I know many on here do not understand the international nature of US Politics. You believe voting is important.

    The richest families in the world can trace their lineage all the way back to one of the Saducees present the day Jesus Christ was murdered. They run the Central Banks that print the currencies.

    They CHOOSE who are the El-lected officials.
    They finance the campaigns, run the media, and own the Stock Market. They rig FOREX and COMEX.

    Wake up people.
    We are becoming (like a butterfly) a communist Countrry. It is what THEY want. Nobody cares what I want. Nobody cares what You want. We serve them. Get it?

  6. Way to go, Dr. Harris!

  7. Hogan is breaking the law. He is anti-Maryland, anti-America, anti-Constitution. He's a left wing LIBERAL! He doesn't give a damn about who gets a virus or who doesn't. He's just pounding his chest abusing his power. He's being an ass; it's time for restaurant owners, etc. to have their own protest and open up.

  8. Not to detract from text, Larry Hoggan never served in the military, was declared 4-F due to
    the fact he had no balls then. Wife Yumi has had a dry spell in this marriage! He couldn't even shoot blanks! Ha. Ha.

  9. I have always said Hogan is a Democrat in Republican clothing. When is he going to realize he can't go both ways?

  10. Yes he is a con man! We now officially live in a socialist state. These politians should be hung for what they are doing to all of us. Yes I do not care about this virus . If you die that is the way life goes. Maybe we should all stay inside our houses forever , if you go outside lightening might strike you or a meteor may hit you in the head. All of these loser politians both parties should be taken out. What they are doing to our country right now is beyond belief! All you people out there who go along with this deserve what you get. The peope who died of this virus were going to die soon anyway.so let us punish everyone because a few people are going to die? The day you were born you are going to die, that is what happens in life.you may think I am cruel but I am only telling the truth about this situation . Let's see what we have here an see if it sounds familiar, sorry most people are not educated about history, one reason we are in this situation. We can not go to a church, we can not go to a theater, we can not go to a store with out a mask, we are told to stay home ,look at the sign on rt 50 going into ocean city. We can not shake hands with people,we can not go to a restaurant or a bar to socialize with our friends and neighbors, we can not play baseball, basketball or go to parks to play or relax. We can not go to doctors unless you are about ready to die they do not want you in their office. You can not ride rides in an amusement park. The parks are locked up so kids can not be kids and play, Frankford Delaware park has chains around their gates so no one can get in the park. This is insane why are we not fighting back against all of this insanity?????? I guess everyone likes being caged up so a few weak people can live who are on their way out anyway. There needs to be a revolution soon. The protesters are idiots wasting their time attacking police how stupid, the police did not do this to us. They should concentrate their efforts on destroying the politians in this country. Their hatred is going towards the wrong people. The politians in this country are destroying this country and what do we do attack the police who are mostly honarable men and women doing a good job trying to protect us from the crazies on this world. But let us attack them and give the politians a pass. Problem is we voted these deralicts into office, now we are all responsible for what is going on. Maybe we deserve what is happening right now for being idiots ourselves.

    sit back and do nothing to stop these crazy politians

  11. Everyone needs to take the time to call or email Addie Eckardt and Mary Beth Carozza along with Andy Harris asking them to bring pressure on Hogan to face reality and act in the best interests of the citizens of Maryland by opening our state up. Also, make calls to the Governor’s office. I will start emailing and calling tomorrow.
    I learned this evening that after almost three months of not being able to visit my 97 year old mother, that the Md. Health Dept. (Hogan) would not approve of controlled and limited outdoor visits. Sinful to say the least.

  12. Hogan -(like so many other politicians) suffers from his own self delusional stature as Governor. Someone really needs to dunk him in a horse watering trooth. . .to help sober him up.

  13. 726 don't bother calling Addie Eckhard, if there is not a free meal attached she will not help. Also another Democrat calling herself a Republican. Tell me one thing she has done for her district. ZILCH

  14. Have to agree with 9:20PM. Have never known of anything Addie Eckardt do anything outstanding in all the years she has been elected. All she really does is show off her hot pink jackets, tops (anything pink) and wave to everyone. Also have to admit that Mary Beth, Carl Anderton , Chris Adams, to name a few seem pretty silent the past few months.

  15. Where is Frosh in all of this? Why hasn’t he joined yet?

  16. Time for RINO Hogan to open this state up. Stop the globalist hoax!!

  17. Carozza has been fighting. She is getting the pressure to. Ocean City is her home and she knows what is happening to Ocean City business. She knows that they will be destroyed if they cannot open for the summer. That's one that can relate. Have not seen anything out of Adams but Anderton has also spoken out against the shutdowns. None have been as active as Harris though.

    1. 9:36
      They enjoy breathing.

    2. We're breathing just fine. It's a virus. Ass.


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