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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Gov. Cuomo mulls quarantining People from Florida

Andrew Cuomo, the governor of the state hit worst by the coronavirus, is considering quarantining people who travel to his state from Florida, one of the states that imported nearly all of their cases from New York.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo said on Thursday that he’s considering imposing a quarantine on travelers arriving to New York from states like Florida where coronavirus cases have spiked.

“I haven’t made a decision yet, but I have had experts advise me of that. It is a real concern,” Cuomo said when asked about whether he’d consider imposing some sort of quarantine measure or taking health precautions at airports where travel has increased.



  1. Cuomo is a one man clown show. I think it's ironic that people from New York call us backwards and shore billys. Those inbred New York clowns deserve a Governor like Cuomo. Cry me a river. You get what you vote for.

    1. Ditto..... get so tired of him on the screen. His damn voice sounds like a damrat (lazy) put you to sleep

  2. All the states need to build camps to put the outsiders in till the quarienteen period passes. Keep them in there for 14 days.

  3. It’s fair. Florida made New Yorkers quarantine when they traveled there.

  4. OK Cuomo, So when your a-hole New Yorkers go to FL for vacation you are not going to let them back in the state right?

    Who gets the bill for that??? Maybe Florida could charge you money for keeping your refugees. It's payback for the crap you pulled on those people who came to your state to help set-up temporary hospitals only to be hit up for money.

    What a loser!

  5. Camps need to be built and outsiders should be required to wear a badge on their clothing and stay there. if they refuse than punishment needs to be handed out.

  6. About a quarter of Floridians over 60 ARE from NYC.

  7. What if they come to riot and protest?

  8. It already happened. NY, NJ and Conn have mandated it.

    We're going backwards again.


  9. I know several people who high tailed it out of NYC when the pandemic first hit. Not one is going back. They left their leases and bought homes in FL. It's south FL too and they are all GOP voters so it will help some down there.

  10. I think the sign "Welcome to New York. Governor Andrew Cuomo" is enough of a deterrent to me.

  11. all states should be doing this. If you do not need to travel for a necessity then you should not go. Opening up OC was one of the biggest mistakes MD has made.

  12. 413 money talks for MDs only beach. Money over lives indeed.

  13. 4:13

    So we should all hide in our basements because of the made up pandemic?


    I believe in individual freedoms and choices, not top down dictatorial control.

    1. Yet when there is issues we call on the government to protect us. Right wrong indifferent.

      C'mon man...you pay taxes...you wear a seatbelt. We are lucky to be Americans.

  14. We need state run camps for the out of state people to be locked in, and force then into a disinfectant shower.


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