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Thursday, June 11, 2020

Go Figure


  1. If you notice, no one is blaming Trump for long standing problems. They are simply calling him out for failure to do anything about it or for making them worse. Comes with the territory so put on your big boy pants and stop snifflin

    1. Failure at what exactly?

      You're too stoopid to see the forest through the trees. Go back to bed before your mommy scolds you.

  2. TRUE - not disputable

  3. The fact is that the dumbocrats don't want the problems solved.

    Why would incapable people need dumbocrats if there aren't problems to solve with ever bigger government.

  4. I love Trump, but we American patriots are in deep trouble. Biden, the town drunk, will somehow win the election because of the anti-American movement thats been taking place over the last 12 years. Where are our republican representatives?

  5. Bunch of lame ass lazy ass Dems

  6. Amen!! Stand tall Mr President. God bless

  7. And they want it all.

  8. Now just change the images to the left with any image of a person over the age of 60 and replace the image on the right with anyone under the age of 23.

  9. If the problems are solved by Trump, it outs them as the miserable failures that they are, dragging the whole party with them.

  10. Mitch McConnell - 36 years
    Richard Lugar -- 36 years
    Pete Domenici - 36 years
    Thad Cochran - 45 years
    Chuck Grassley - 39 years
    Orin Hatch - 42 years
    Don Young - 47 years
    Jim Sensenbrenner - 41 years
    Ted Stevens - 40 years

    All Republicans. That's a SHORT list. This meme is deceptive, and it's intentionally so.

    Vote ALL of the criminals out... Democrats AND Republicans. We DESPERATELY need term limits.


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